Chapter 10 - The Smith's

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A/N: Here’s the updateee!! :DD


After my deal with Zach I went home quickly and texted Brianna.

‘ 11:20 am

         Are you free?? Can we meet?? ‘

For a couple of minutes I heard my phone vibrated. Since it’s in my mahogany desk that’s why I can really here it’s vibration.

I opend the text but instead of seeing Brianna’s name on my phone I saw Zach’s name. We just met and he texted my already? Ohh, I wish it’s the text is about what will I wear for the dinner. I read Zach’s text and my eyes widened in surprise.


      Why?? Miss me already? Haha. By the way, I’m busy.. We have a business dinner tonight and I need to get ready because I heard that their daughter’s beautiful I don't want to look a mess there so I need to be handsome. X) ‘

I saw my previous text and I saw that I send it accidentally to Zach. Oh my, my! This is really embarrassing. I don’t know what to doooo! Anyway, I know that he’s trying to make me jealous but that’s not happening. I replied to him, trying to explain.


      I’m very sorry, I must send it to Brianna but I accidentally send it to you. And I don’t care if that woman is really beautiful so you don’t have  to tell me that.’

After that I texted Brianna and doubled check if I send it to Brianna surely. I rested my head down at my bed and stared at my ceiling I realized that the color is already fading I think I need to repaint it next time.


     Yeah I’m free. Why? What do you have in mind??’

Brianna replied. And I told her to meet me at the Pizza Diner and I’ll tell her everything. I quickly got my phone, car keys and headed to the Diner. I found Brianna sitting in a corner table.

“Hey Bri!” I waved at her.

“Hey Tan!” She said standing up and motioning to the chair in front of her. I pulled the chair out. And started to talk.

“I have a news and I’m sure you’ll love it.” I said trying to look excited even though I’m not.

“What is it?” She squealed.

“It’s Zach, He asked me to be his fake girlfriend.” And I continued to relay her the whole story.

“Really! OMG! That is sooo sweet! We need to decide what you should wear!”

“That’s exactly why I told you to meet with me. We need to go shopping. Not that i’m really desperate to look beautiful but ofcourse according to him I need to look decent.” I said.

“Come on!” She pulled my hand and got out of the diner. She opened my car door and pushed me inside. Gosh, remind me to lock my car next time.

“Keys.” She said pointing at my pocket.

“Where’s your car?”

“I know you’ll be bringing your car so I decided to not bring mine.”

“Okay.” I said, pulling my keys out my pocket.

Brianna always does that. She always depend on my car since her house is just near the diner.

After we go shopping I dropped Brianna at her house. I started getting dressed since I only got 1 hour to prepare. 

I took a one last glance on the mirror. And I was shocked to see my full appearance. I look different. It’s like Tanya is not the one I see in the mirror. But I like my change. I headed down stairs to help mom and dad prepare the food.

“Hey Mom, need some help?”

“Ohh, sure sweety. Oh my God you look gorgeous!” She said. Putting her hands in her cheeks.

“Thanks Mom.” I said while putting the carbonara in the dinner table.

“Okay! So everything’s set.. Just in a while I’m sure they’ll be here.” Mom said .

After a few minutes of talking the door bell rang.

“Oh, they’re here!” said my Mom.

“I’ll go get it.” I said rushing through the door. I opened it and found a couple, their like in their 40’s. They dress and look really rich, Just like us . Ha ha.

“Good evening Mr. And Mrs. .....” I trailed off waiting them to tell me their last name.

“Smith, darling.” She said smiling. Their last name is Smith just like Zach’s. Perhaps it’s just a coincidence.

“Good Evening Mr. And Mrs. Smith, Pleasure to have you here.” I said beaming at them.

They both nod and returned a smile.

“You must be Mr. And Mrs. Blairy’s daughter. Your so pretty darling just like your mother. Isn’t it son?”  Mr. Smith said.

Son? They have a son. No. It couldn’t be Zach. I pushed my thought away.

“Huh? Umm.. Yes, dad.” Said a deep and kinda sexy voice at their back. Then I saw a boy. No, a hot boy. I can’t really see his full face since it’s dark outside but I can see that he’s fixing he’s appearance and his hair looks really messy but it suits him. Then I realized that the Smiths are still standing by the door.

“Umm, Come on in.” I said. They got in one by one and each of them nodded at me.

“You.” I said to him. I realized that their son was Zach. I was on a panic mode. I don’t know how to react or what to say. ‘You’ was all I can manage to say.

“Yeah, Me.” Zach said smirking but astonishment was still evident in his tone.

“Come in.” I muttered not even looking at him.

This will be the most awkward dinner ever.


A/N:I so sorry for the late update. I'm kinda busy. I'm always busy xD Sorry! But Never mind.

This is just a filler chapter. The dinner will be the next chapter. I'm not really sure when will I update again but I promise you soon :)) 

BTW, please PROMOTE, VOTE, COMMENT AND READ! Puh-leeaassee! 

Okay! Have a Great Day! ;)

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