•2• Tutor

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"Can I Explain." Josh interrupted her. "Go on." She replied. "My girlfriend is so fricken annoying. She's always making me waste so much money on every unnecessary thing. She wanted me to take her to some place fancy tonight cause it's Saturday and she knew I'd break out of detention. So I told her I'm being tutored. And I told her you'd tutor me in Spanish because I know you're good at it. So meet me at my place at 5. And you won't have to go far because i live in the same building and floor as Riley remember?" Maya was shocked at both by how fast he said everything and by the fact that he knew she spoke Spanish fluently. "Uh. Okaaaaay. Which number on her floor do you live on?" Maya asked when they got in front of Riley's apartment. "Just straight down there." "Okay." Maya replied. Awkward silence. "K bye." They both said at the same time. And then parted their separate ways.

Maya walked into Riley's apartment. And saw each 4 of them sitting there. Auggie was looking at Maya like she was gonna kill him. "What's wrong Auggie?" Maya said leaning down to him. "Did you do something bad today?" He asked standing and staying where he was. "Not really. I just slammed my locker shut, but who told you?" Maya said turning to the other three Matthews'. They all pointed at Riley, even Riley was pointing at herself. "Oh then it doesn't matter." "What if it was me?" Riley's dad, Cory, asked. And Maya replied by saying "Then you would've gotten yourself into some trouble Matthews." They all laughed a bit.

Soon it was 4:45, and both Riley and Maya were just in their room talking about the school dance that only Sophomores, such as themselves, can go to, but a Freshman, a Junior, or a Senior can go only if their date is a sophomore. Otherwise, no exceptions for non-sophomores.

It became 4:50. Riley left the room because Auggie asked her to help him set the DVD because him, Cory and Topanga were watching Finding Dori. Maya was just one her phone. Riley got back and Maya told her she had to go home because her head was hurting, although Maya was lying because she had to go tutor Josh in Spanish.

        Maya was going to leave through the front door so that she could just walk straight across to Josh's place,  but before she could open it, Topanga asked "Maya, what are you doing?" "I'm going home." "Through the front door?" Topanga asked. Riley then came out of nowhere and added "She said her head was hurting too much to leave through the window." Riley then said "Okay... Bye." "Bye." Maya said right before she left.

She walked up to the door and was about to knock and hesitated. 'What if someone else opens the door. What would I say' she thought. But then she got over it and was again about to knock, but this time the door opened. And Maya stopped before her hand can hit the lady. "Hi. Umm. I-Is Josh home?" She asked stuttering hesitantly. "Yes. And who's asking?" The woman asked. "Oh, I'm Maya, Maya Hart. Josh told me to come over so that I could tutor him.?" Maya said almost in a question form. "Well, it's about time that boy takes some initiative for his school work. He's just inside. First, go up the stairs and his room is the 3rd door to/on your right. Got it?" "Yup. Thank you." Maya said. "Oh no problem sweetheart." The lady said as she walked out and Maya walked in.

        Maya stood right in front of his door and knocked. "Josh?" She said almost in a whisper. She heard nothing. She slowly started opening the door. And then noticed something she took by surprise.

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