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Maya saw something she didn't expect to see. She still couldn't believe it. She blinked her eyes a couple of times to make sure it was actually happening and that it wasn't all of the alcoholic breaths going around the room/house. Josh was making out with Christie. And it was real.

Riley came towards her. "Maya come on, what's wrong. We gotta-" she stopped and saw what Maya was looking at. "Listen, I know it's bad, but we can't talk about it now. Hurry up." Riley said. Maya was still just standing over there while she was frozen. Riley tugged on her to go, and eventually Maya and Riley left Christie's house. They went back to Riley's place.

        That night, Maya slept over at Riley's apartment. She couldn't sleep. What were minutes, felt like hours to her. She couldn't stop seeing that image in her head. Soon, she fell asleep.

        The next morning, she woke up at around 10:00-11:00 in the morning, and so did Riley. It was because they fell asleep pretty late because they saw a sappy romance movie for Maya to try and get over Josh. Obviously, that didn't really work. Soon, it became 12:00, and Josh was supposed to be picking Maya up from Riley's apartment.

        It was only Cory, Topanga and Auggie in their living/family room. Josh knocked on the door holding a bouquet. Cory opened it and was confused. "Who are you?" He said politely. "I'm Maya's... Friend. We're going on what might be a date or a casual hangout between me and her." Josh said pretty descriptively. "Oh." Cory said as his tone changed. "Why don't you come in." Josh came in and was told to sit on the couch, so he did.

        "Guys, who's at the-" Maya stopped when she saw that it was Josh. "What are you doing here?! Get Out!!!" Maya yelled. "You heard her, Out!" Riley said coming behind her. Everyone, especially Josh, looked at Maya deeply with confusion. Josh stood their not moving. "Did you not here me? Get out!" Maya yelled once more. He was about to say something but decided it was best not to. He put the flowers on the table and left.

        The room was silent yet intense. Maya came to the table, and picked up the bouquet. It had a note on it. It read 'Maya. Something happened Yesterday and I regret it. But I have to tell you.' Maya grabbed the bouquet and the note and went to Riley's room while tugging Riley's arm, dragging her too. They sat down at the bay window. Maya put her feet up on it too and hugged her knees. "What's wrong?" Riley asked. "Look." Riley read it.

        "What if it's something else? It could be be something else." Riley tried to think of something. "No. He was honest. He was gonna tell me. And I just assumed the negative thing." Maya started tearing up.

        The next morning, Maya woke up in her own room. She checked her phone and found 7 missed calls.2 from Riley and 5 from Josh. She had just woken up and thought she was calling Riley, but instead, she accidentally called Josh without knowing it.

        The phone stopped ringing and she heard the sound of someone pick up, but she still thought it was Riley. She began "Riley. I need you to come over as fast as possible. Make sure you don't run into Josh in the hall, I just know he's gonna confront you. And knowing you, I know you're gonna tell him everything that we talked about. So don't tell him okay. And by the way, What I need to talk to you about is-" she was interrupted when Josh said "Maya." Maya's jaw dropped. "Josh?"

Author's Note:

I would like each of you to know, that in each 10 chapters I write, I'm gonna take a 7 day break. Because I write and publish a chapter every day.

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