•32• Answers

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Author's Note:

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! I've read every single one of each of your comments on the previous chapter, and I was honestly shocked at how much of you love this story. And I apologise for the slow update. I recently lost my iPod and that's what i use to update and I'm currently writing this story on a computer.

Maya and Josh stood in front of Riley's room with the door wide open, and were shocked at what they saw. "Riles. W-What's this?" Maya still had to take another moment to take in what she saw. "Ughh... Surprise!?" She kind of asked. Maya and Josh were looking at a huge Bristol board poster that could barely even fit in her room it was that huge. But, it was foldable, so if you needed to take it out of the room, you easily can. Yeah, It was that huge. On that Bristol board were three divided sections. One that was full of Pictures with Josh. One that was full of pictures of both, Maya and Josh. In the middle of the section of the photos of both Josh and Maya, there was the biggest picture. It was of them at the game night. When Josh got another "Kisses For The Misses" card and he kissed Maya's nose. (That was in •11• Game Night Part 2)

"Maya. Josh. This... This is for you guys. I felt so bad that you tow broke up, so I made this to show you that 3 years shouldn't affect anything in your relationship, especially if you two love each other. But, I see that you two worked it out together. I should've known. You guys are literally the best power couple. Besides me and Licas of course." Riley added sarcastically. Maya hugged her. "Well, thank you anyways." Maya let go and Josh hugged Riley. "Thanks Riles." He said while hugging her. He let go and Riley said "You've never called me that before." While smiling. "Well. Now I did." They all stood there and smiled at each other. Until Riley spoke up. "Hey. Why don't we invite Lucas over and we can have a little home double date?" Josh and Maya agreed and called Lucas over.

Lucas came in about 35 mins. With his arms behind his back. "What took so long?" Riley questioned. "I brought Pizza!" He said and showed them the two pizza boxes he was holding behind his back. They got plates, cups, and pop. They brought everything to the living/family room and out it on the table and sat around it. "I vote we watch a a I fi fantasy movie." Said Josh. "I vote we watch a Romantic Drama." Said Riley. "I vote for a Action-Adventure." Said Maya. "I vote for a Comedy." Said Lucas. It stayed quiet for about 5 seconds until Josh suggested "Why don't me and Maya watch a Action-Adventure with a little of acing I fantasy movie because they're similar. And you two can watch a Rom Com?" "Sure. Who's gonna watch their movie here. And who's gonna watch their movie in the guest room with the tv?" Asked Riley. "I guess me and Josh should take the guest room to watch our movie cause we knew how much you guys love snacks and how much times you're gonna have to go to the kitchen for more." Maya added. "Alright." Riley agreed. Riley told Maya that they have Netflix. On both of the TV's.

Riley and Lucas agreed to watch No Strings Attached. It was more of a Romantic money. Than a comedy, but it was still funny. Or at least that's what the reviews said.

Maya and Josh decided to watch Elysium. They both never watched it yet, but they heard it was good. And the ratings were good too.

Josh and Maya were cuddled up on the bed on the bed in the guest room watching Elysium. They also noticed the little bit of hidden chemistry between Max and Frey. It's just like Maya and Josh from when they met. They finished watching the movie and just played songs quietly and talked. "So who's gonna get to keep that big poster that Riley made?" Maya asked. "I don't think that it'd be fair if one of
us kept it. I have an idea of where we can keep it. I'll show you tomorrow." "Alright" Maya replied. And they fell asleep there.

Aan out an hour later, Josh and Maya were woken up by Riley hitting pillows on them. "What?" Maya said still half asleep. "Look we her both of your hands are." Riley said. And that got their attention  they lifted their heads up to see what Riley meant. Maya and Josh saw one of Josh's hands on Maya butt. And his other hand wrapped arrogant her because she was asleep with her head on his chest. And one of her hands was near her face but on his chest and under his shirt. And her other hand was holding his hand that was around her head. Josh and Maya immediately separated in embarrassment because they were in front of Riley. If they were alone and saw each other like that, they wouldn't mind. "Come on!" Riley said helping us out of bed and leading us out of the apartment along with Auggie and Lucas. "Where are we going?" Josh asked. "You'll see." Riley answered.

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