•33• Cake

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YOU ALL HAVE TO READ THE AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END!!! And unfortunately, it's bad new. sorry

Riley took them to Topanga's Cafe. But they stood right outside of the door. Riley, Maya, Lucas, and Josh were outside in silence. "What are we doing here? And what are we waiting for?" Maya asked. Just then, Riley got a text. She checked it and put her phone back in her back pocket and said "Let's go."

Riley opened the door and it was a nice small party. There was cake, and there were people from their class, Farkle, Zay, Vanessa, Smackle, Cory, Topanga, Auggie, Shawn, Katy, and a few other close friends. "What's this?" Maya asked Josh. "I honestly had no idea about this." Josh said truthfully. Maya looked at Riley and Riley said "This party is for everyone. But now that you two got together, it's mostly for you guys too. But right when the party is done, we have to help you guys study. If you guys want to get into NYU, you guys have to remember and stick with the deal for us to help you study. So the party is gonna be for a few hours, then we'll study for an hour or two alright?" Maya and Josh answered Riley at the same time by saying "Got it."

The party started and Maya and Josh were sitting next to each other in Riley, Farkle, and Lucas' spot in Topanga's. As Lucas and Riley were sitting near them too.

Maya and Josh were so cute while feeding each other cake, that Riley pulled out her phone and secretly took picture as she moved around to different angles to take the best picture. She took so many that her storage ran out. So she was gonna go home and delete the bad ones. While Riley was taking pictures, Lucas moved to a different seat and sat straight across from them and secretly made a video.

Josh and Maya kept feeding each other until the cake on the plate they were sharing was done. They finished their cake piece fast because theirs was smaller than others. "I'm gonna go get some more cake." Josh stood up with the plate, and walked over to the counter where the cake was. Lucas then got up while saying "I'm gonna go get some more for us too." He said to Riley. he walked over to to the table and he and Josh were the only ones at the counter when the only thing they could hear was the music because Riley and Maya were on the other side of "Topanga's". Josh broke the silence  "You love her?" he asked Lucas referring to Riley. Lucas looked at Riley then back at Josh and said "Yeah." "You tell her yet?" "Nah. She doesn't know." Josh then smirked, causing Lucas to ask "What?" Josh replied by saying "You haven't told her... But she knows. And I know you know that she loves you back." Lucas smiled "Thanks."

They walked back to the girls with the two plates of cake. Maya and Josh started feeding cake to each other. "Aww." Riley said. "Look at them being all cute again." She continued. Then Lucas said "We're cute too, Riley. Well, it's mostly just you." Riley though for a second then said "I love you, Lucas." "What?" He questioned then continued by saying "You do?" "Yeah." She replied. "Then I guess I can say, I love you too, Riley Matthews." Riley and Lucas sat there, staring at each other until Riley kissed him the same way as when she first kissed him on their first date, so it was a light peck. Maya and Josh saw.

Riley and Lucas stopped fast because it was only a peck. Maya then asked Josh "Think we can do better?" and Josh replied by saying "I don't know. Let's find out." And Josh kissed Maya... and they kept kissing. "Okay, we get it." Riley tried to interrupt them but they continued. Eventually, they stopped while laughing because they both couldn't help but smile throughout the kiss. That Day was great, for everyone.

Author's Note:

I will be taking a break from writing this story for about 2-3 weeks. I'm sorry, but it's because, I lost my Ipod and these days, I've been busy with school, extra curricular activities/projects and etc. I  apologise, but if i happen to get some free time, I'll try my best to write and update. But I doubt that that'll happen so I'll probably update next in about 2-3 weeks.

And sorry if this chapter had slightly different paragraph sizes. I previusly told you all that I lost my iPod, so I'm making this chapter on my computer. So i might have a slightly different posting schedule, and different paragraph sizes from previous chapters. Thanks

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