•12• Game Night Part 2

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As they were playing the game, people kept saying "I have to go to the bathroom." So, everyone decided to take a 5 minute break. Maya sat on the couch with Riley. While Josh was standing and then Lucas came up to him... And we all knew that that was gonna be awkward. "I know guys like you. You act like you care about her, then you go and cheat on her." Maya heard what Lucas just said to Josh. "What the hell Ranger Rick? Stop harassing my boyfriend!Just because I rejected you, doesn't mean you can be a jerk." Maya said getting slightly mad. "No, Maya. Let him talk. He doesn't realize he's just reflecting on himself." Josh said. Lucas was speechless. Lucas jut rolled his eyes and started talking to Riley. And then, Maya and Josh started talking again.

They all got back to the game and it was pretty intense and it was obviously making everyone feel awkward. "Well... I'll roll the dice." Topanga said. She picked it up and shook it, but before she could drop it, she was interrupted by Lucas who said "No, No. I'm pretty sure it was Josh's turn to roll." Two spaces ahead of Josh and Maya's square, was a square that said "Divorce" so that couple had to remain divorced until another couple landed on that square. And Lucas was confident that Josh would land on that square. Josh rolled the dice and it landed on a 4. "Yes!" Josh said because it was another "Kisses for The Mrs." Josh kissed her on the nose and Riley snuck a picture of that. It was too cute.

"Relationship Goals!" Riley shouted out. Everyone enjoyed a laugh. They all realized it was 2 am. So some people wanted to take a little nap, and others wanted to stay awake to try and make it an all-nighter. Josh, Maya, Lucas, and Riley were all staying awake. That didn't work out for Riley. It's almost as if she didn't even try to stay awake, so she was out like a light. Which made the most awkward situation... Again. Josh and Maya and Lucas were now the only ones awake.

For about 20 minutes, they were each on their phones. But then, someone knocked on the door super hard. It wasn't even that much of a knock, it was banging. Everyone got scared, especially because it was literally 2:30. "Get back into Riley's room." Josh said. Because everyone else were in rooms. So it was only them three in the living/family room. "Did you guys not hear me? You have to go inside." Josh said grabbing the biggest knife. ""Fine. But shout my name if something happens. Okay, bro?" Lucas asked. Josh smiled at the fact that they were finally becoming friends. "Yeah." Josh said. Lucas went to Riley's room. "Wait Josh, Josh. I.. I love you." Maya said and but her lip. Josh smiled again and said "I love you too." Then they both kissed passionately. But then Maya went to Riley's room because Josh made her go. Josh looked through the little hole in the door to see who it was. It was covered so all Josh see was all black. He stood back and called the cops. And told them everything in a whisper.

        Josh saw the cops park and quickly enter the building and apparently, the people outside of the door, saw too. They picked the lock and came in. Josh thought about it and remembered when he still lived with his father, and all of the pain and torture that was. But then he started thinking about Maya, and all of the love he has for her and she has for him.

        He dropped the knife on the floor and whispered "Always be the smartest guy in the room." To himself. There were 3 big guys standing in front of him and he was alone, he wanted to call Lucas, but he knew he couldn't do that because he had a doubt in his mind saying that if he brought Lucas out, he'd get hurt too. One of the big guys, was holding a pocket knife. The second big guy was holding a gun. And the third big guy wasn't holding anything, he was however pounding his fists together over and over and over. The cops came up into their room and they grabbed the second and third guy. But before the cops could grab the first guy, the first guy grabbed Josh's arm and cut it. Josh winced in pain. Not only because he was cut, but also because of the tight grip the guy had on Josh's arm. The cops took them away, and one of them stayed to tell the owners of the house what had went on.

They told Cory and Topanga what had just happened. Maya was still inside of Riley's room biting her fingers and pacing around, when one of the cop came in and told her she could go outside and see Josh now. She ran out there and saw him. She ran towards him and he picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and they kissed and then she got off and couldn't stop hugging him. But then she noticed his arm bleeding. And then Maya helped him with the first aid kit because it may have been bleeding, but it was a small cut. But then they decided to continue playing the game, but they did turn most of the lights off and put 3 little lamps around the board game.

Author's Note:
Longest chapter so far!!!

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