34 - Up To DATE

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A week later, Josh and Maya's marks were starting to raise. Maya and Josh were still hoping to go to NYU. Josh had his mind set on NYU, but Maya was starting to have second thoughts when her music and choir teacher told her about Julliard. She has been looking into the curricular program for NYU, but she's also been looking into Julliard. She started thinking of the pros and cons for going to Julliard and NYU.

The biggest Con of going to NYU is that she wouldn't love what she'd be doing. Sure she'd like it, but she wouldn't love it as much as going to Julliard and doing the arts, which is what she loves. And the con of going to Julliard is that she wouldn't be with the person she loves.

The biggest pro of going to NYU is that she'd be with her boyfriend, who she loves. And the biggest pro of going to Julliard is that she'd be following her dream and perusing her dream. The pros and cons were both polar(equal) opposites.

Maya doesn't plan on telling Josh, or anyone in that matter, about Julliard and her second thoughts, for a while. But Maya wasn't going to get her hopes up on getting into Julliard or NYU, because like she always said, "You hope for things, You get hurt."

Maya and Josh also really wanted to join some extra curricular clubs and do some volunteer hours at specific places for extra credit and volunteer hours, but they also have to keep time for studying with Riley, Farkle, Lucas, and Smackle. Usually Zay doesn't tutor people, but he wants to help so he just sits with Lucas and helps so they can hang out and he'd still be helping Josh out.

Zay and Lucas were going back to Texas for a bit because, something happened to Lucas' Pappy Joe. Apparently, he had a mini heart attack. When the doctors called and told Lucas and Zay, they said he was going to be perfectly fine. But it'd be best if both Zay and Lucas were to go to Texas for about a week or two, but they were going for 2 weeks just to take care of Pappy Joe.

The bad part about them going to Texas for the next two weeks, was that they'd miss the school's Welcome Back dance. Maya and Josh were obviously going to go to the dance together. Farkle and Smackle were going together. but all four of them were going to go as a group so that they could go with Riley because they don't want her feeling left out. Maya and Smackle were obviously going to dance with their boyfriends, but they were also going to let Josh have a few dances with Riley, and let Farkle have a few dances with Riley. And they'd also all have a few dances all together.

It was a Saturday, at around 12:00, Josh and Maya were going to have a date. When Josh picked up Maya from her place, they left her apartment and stood in front of it. "Where are we going?" Maya asked Josh. "I thought you were planning this one." He replied. "I thought you were". Maya added. Then they both sighed and then it got quiet for a bit. "I'm gonna show you something... well, more like somewhere. And it's someplace that I haven't ever shown anyone, not even Riley. I just go there when I need to think. Like when we broke up." "You love me that much?" Josh asked. "I love & trust you that much. Now come on." Maya grabbed his hand and led him there.

They got to a tree, that tree was Maya's private place. They sat there for about an hour, and talked and talked and talked. After that, they both got hungry and decided to go out and get some subway for lunch. They loved casual layed-back dates like that.

Author's Note:

I know that it's only been about 3 or 4 days. But I couldn't bare not updating this story. My plan is that I'll make two Halloween chapters before Halloween okay? Who thinks i should and who thinks i shouldn't??? Comment and tell me.

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