•22• Fight

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It finally came to the weekend and some people were busy and some people were free. So, the people that were free were all going to go to the Waterpark. The people going to the Waterpark are Riley, Lucas, Zay, Farkle, Zay, Smackle, and Maya. Maya was going to ask Josh if he wanted to come with them on Saturday because it was already Thursday. She was in Riley's apartment but she told them that she'd be back in a minute because she had to talk to Josh. She knocked on Josh's door. A few seconds later, he opened the door. "Hey." "Hey." They greeted each other. "Do you wanna come with me and the group to the Waterpark tomorrow?" "Sorry. I can't come remember? I was going to go with Shawn for a week for his next photography sample. I leave Saturday morning and I'll be back sometime next Saturday." Josh replied. "Oh... Oh yeah I forgot. Well, before you leave, our date is tomorrow(Friday) at four. Okay?" Maya reminded him. "Oh. I forgot to tell you. I can't come. I'm gonna go to an art gallery with Shawn. But we can go later at 8:00 right?" He asked. "Not really. We can't go at 8:00. I made certain plans and preparations for 4-7." Maya started getting upset. "Can we not reschedule?" He started raising his voice. "No. I planned it for us. And when am I supposed to reschedule it for? The time you're gonna be with Shawn for a whole week?" She started raising her voice too. "He asked me okay? I said yes. What's the big deal?" He yelled. "The big deal is that you can't realize how hard I've been working for the first date I planned. Not the first date I planned for you. But it's also the first date that I planned for anyone." When she said that, that made Josh feel bad. But he looked down and just quietly said "I'll call you tonight." In a low voice. And he closed the door. Maya just went to her apartment. A few minutes later, Maya got a text from Riley.

R: WHERE R U??!!!!??

Maya instantly checked and replied.

M: Sorry. I needed to be alone. I'll talk to you tomorrow

R: Are you okay, Peaches? And are we still doing that big plan for Josh???

M: I honestly don't know. I'll tell you tomorrow

R: Alright. Talk to you tomorrow

M: Yeah.

Maya didn't really have anyone to talk to. She didn't wanna talk to her parents about this because her mom wouldn't know what to say. She couldn't talk to Cory and Topanga about this because who knows what they'll do. And she couldn't talk to Shawn because he is part of the reason that they're mad at each other. And she didn't want to talk to ESPECIALLY Riley because she knew that Riley would try and fix it.

Before going to sleep, Maya Checked her phone and it said 18 missed calls from Josh. She eventually put her phone down and went to sleep.

        The next Day, Riley came over to Maya's house in the morning with some stuff.

Knock Knock

"It's Riley!" Then Maya yelled "It's Open!" from her room. Riley came in and walked to Maya's room. "Hey, Peaches. I-I brought you a breakfast basket. It has Muffins, Juice, Mangos, and Jelly." Riley said with a smile. "RILEY!" "Yeah, Maya?" She calmly replied. "Why did you bring foods that started with M and J??!!!!!" Maya complained. "Maya. You gotta talk to me about this." "No!" "If you-" Riley got cut off by Maya saying "No!" "But Maya plea-" she got cut off once more by Maya who said "No! Riley can you just stay out of my Love Life?! You can't fix everything!" She yelled and went under her blanket. Riley felt bad and left the basket in front of Maya's bed and left.

        Maya couldn't help but cry. She pushed everyone away, and was pushed away by everyone she loved. She knew that this would eventually happen.

Author's Note:
I've been meaning to tell you but I'll tell you right now. The reason I don't put chapters in "Maya's POV" or "Josh's POV" is because I don't know how they're personalities think and/or act on instinct. But the next chapter will have a little bit of someone's POV.

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