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I'm definitely missing that Friday feeling this week, so much so I've forgotten it's the start of the weekend. Exhausted through lack of sleep and suffering terrible with a migraine my day at work has been a nightmare, I haven't stopped dreading this phone call to Charlie since last night. It's ridiculous!!

Finally home at the usual time Friday afternoon I sat at the dinner table with my phone in one hand and the letters in the other. I have butterflies fluttering in my stomach like theres no tomorrow, but I'm determined to not put this off day after day, I know what I can be like.

Sighing I scrolled through my contacts and gave him a call and waited.

"Hello?" a female voice spoke.

"Hello. Is this not Charlie's phone?"

"It is, but he's out at the moment."


"Can I take a message?"

"Not really, I need to speak to him. It's quite important."

"I'm sure he'll be home soon, I'll tell him to give you a call back. Who should I say has called?"

"Oh erm, Kayleigh. I'm his girl," I stuttered. "I mean I'm his friend. He will know who I am."

"Okay, not a problem. Bye then."

"B-bye," I stuttered too late to ask if she's who I think she is.

Laying my phone down I frowned in amazement. Not only is he selling our house he's already moved in with a new girlfriend out there. By the sound of things he's punching above his own weight too.

I read through the letters one last time whilst I waited, jumping at the front door swinging open so sudden.

"Jesus Aston! you've got to stop doing that," I gasped with my hand on my heart.

"Sorry babe, I didn't mean to make you jump. Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

Apologising again Aston walked over giving me a kiss on the cheek before pulling out a second stool seeing the letters.

"I don't think the words will change no matter how many times you read them," he smiled weakly.

"I know, I'm just being naïve."

"Have you rang him yet?"

"Yeah, he didn't answer though," I shrugged.

"Oh, well maybe he was busy, working or something."

"That's what his new girlfriend said."

"He's got a new girlfriend?" he spat.

"I guess so, a woman answered the phone."

"But what did she say?"

"That she will ask him to ring me back when he's home. Who else would call it home?"


I sighed tucking away the envelopes.

"Hey, don't let that upset you."

"I shouldn't be bothered should I? I mean, I did have sex with you just days after he flew out to Dubai."

"That's different."

"No it's not, at the end of the day we've both cheated."

"Alright maybe, but you're separated now."

"It's not that simple Aston."

Before he could continue my phone rang.

"It's Charlie."

Whilst the boyfriends awayWhere stories live. Discover now