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Aston drove us straight to the hospital without any hesitation and after just a five minute wait a nurse is ready to see us. I'm used to sickness and nausea after the week I've had but following the doctor closely down the corridor this doesn't compare, my stomach is doing somersaults. I gripped Aston's hand tightly as we're told to make ourselves comfortable behind a curtain. I sat up on the bed and waited.

"I'm so nervous," I murmured.

"It's alright, I'm here with you," he reassured.

"Something's not right Aston."

"Let's see what the doctor says."

She returned within five minutes with some equipment and laid me back on the bed in as much comfort as possible. I wriggled with nerves, agitated. I prepared myself for another internal examination both physically and mentally but as the nurse discussed this mornings doctors appointment I'm surprised when she only asks me for a urine test.

"I'd like to give you a pregnancy test," she said passing me a pot, I'm guessing I have to pee in this.

"Oh," I mumbled.

"If you follow this corridor there's a lavatory on the right."


"I'll wait here," Aston smiled.

I nodded and followed her directions. As I walked into the ladies I caught my reflection in the mirror opposite, I'm as white as a sheet. Locking myself in a cubicle I did as I was told the best I could, its been awhile since I've had to do this.

"Thank you," the nurse said taking it from me as I returned to the ward, shutting the drawn curtain behind me.

"I don't follow, the last time we were here you told me I was miscarrying."

"I understand that you're confused but once we have the results of this test I can examine you further and answer all your questions," she replied.

After what seemed like hours the results are clear and a doctor has appeared by the nurses side, I can't help but think the worst.

"Please, just tell us," I asked.

"It's showing positive, you're pregnant."

Aston and I both sat in sock at lost for words, I looked at him unsure whether to cry in happiness or anger. None of this makes sense, I thought I lost this baby ten days ago.

"No," I frowned shaking my head.

"Miss.." the doctor spoke.

"No, that can't be right. Aston?"

"I don't understand," he mumbled.

"You told me I lost my baby," I continued.

"I know how upsetting this must be for you," the doctor smiled sympathetically.

"No you don't, neither of you do, " I snapped back.

"Baby," Aston whispered picking up my hand.

"Please, let us explain," the nurse pleaded.

"I'm sorry to alarm you like this but in your last examination there was key signs to a miscarriage, we couldn't diagnose it without them, there will be an explanation I'm sure. I would like to do further examinations to determine what is happening, if that's okay with you?" the doctor spoke waiting for our approval.

"I can't believe this could happen," I muttered.

"I can examine you right away."

I nodded hurrying both the nurse and doctor away to prepare for another internal.

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