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I was lying when I said I weren't in pain, I have a constant ache in my stomach and the slash in my arm is tender to touch under the blood, but I'll say anything to stay away from a hospital. Aston took me back to his parents house for the time being, it took some gentle persuading but after realising the only other option is a drive to Essex I agreed.

"It will be alright," Aston reassured helping me out of the car.

I feel mortified, not only for the situation I've put their son in but for turning up at their house at this hour, nevermind being half-naked.

"Is that you?" Siobhan called hearing the door open.

"Yeah, it's us," Steve replied.

"Oh gosh, let me look at you," she gushed scrapping through to us both.

"I'm so sorry for disturbing you," I blushed.

"Don't be silly, come on in."

She pulled out a seat for us both in the kitchen ordering Steve to flick on the kettle.

"What on earth happened?" she asked.

"It's my ex, he.." I hesitated.

"He's found out that we've been seeing each other," Aston spoke, finishing my sentence.

"Oh right," she said looking at my bare legs.

I crossed them in embarrassment.

"So you're an item?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, we are now."


"No she was single. It's not really cheating is it?"

"I don't know, but whatever has gone on neither of you deserve this," Siobhan frowned running her thumb across Aston's split lip.

It is a complicated situation to explain, I might have been single but it's never been straight forward. Sleeping with my Ex's best mate in his house is wrong in itself.

"It's only a few cuts and bruises. Kayleigh's the one who's hurt her stomach," Aston said.

"How have you done that?"

"I fell onto the coffee table," I replied.

"She was thrown across the room onto the coffee table," Aston corrected.

"Oh the bully! Did he do this as well?" she gasped picking up my arm.

"There was a glass on the table, it's not as bad as it seems," I shrugged.

"Are you bruised? In pain?"

"It's just an ache, a couple of paracetamol will fix that."

"I still think you should get checked out love," Steve smiled weakly.

"I'll only be sitting in casualty until three o'clock in the morning."

"That doesn't matter," Aston said.

"Honestly I'm fine, if I feel any worse tomorrow then I'll go to a doctor."

"Hmm," he frowned.

"Let me clean you up Aston," Siobhan said sitting him down in front of me.

"Where's Courtney?" he asked.

"Upstairs watching a movie."

"Has she got any clothes that will fit Kayleigh?"

"Oh I'm sorry, of course she has. Come with me and I'll sort you out, you can have a wash and use the spare room. There's fresh bedding for you both too."

Whilst the boyfriends awayWhere stories live. Discover now