Our last day together ended up being the complete opposite to what we had planned, surprise surprise.
Printing off the flight tickets an hour before Charlie's due to leave I left him scrapping around packing the last few bits, something he was supposed to do yesterday, I would have helped him then.
Reading through the print outs I noticed something strange.
"Charlie?" I called out.
"I'm busy babe," he groaned.
Taking them through to the bedroom I stood in front of his suitcase.
"What?" he asked.
"These flights are wrong."
"What? I've checked them, they're fine."
"They're one way."
"Yeah I know, that's right," he mumbled.
"They book them singly."
"I don't know, that's just how they book them."
"I don't know babe," he snapped.
Frowning I threw the papers at him.
"No, babe I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap, please," he pleaded grabbing my hand. "I'll be back soon."
"The date we decided on, they will book the tickets next week. I promise."
"Yeah, next week," he nodded.
Sighing I sat down on the bed watching him pack one last pair of jeans. As much as he annoys me I still hate to see him go.
Packed up and ready to go I jumped in the driver's seat waiting for Charlie to join me, with Heathrow a short drive away I tend to drive him rather than arranging a taxi, unless it's after dark.
"I've told Aston not to bring anyone back, but you know what he's like, coming home at all hours," he shrugged.
"I'ts fine."
Little does he know I worry more about him acting like that rather than Aston.
"I suppose he's company."
"Well you hate being on your own."
"Oh, yeah" I mumbled.
Parking up in the closest available space I unbuckled my seatbelt.
"It's alright, I'll go in on my own."
"It saves you getting a ticket."
"Oh. Okay."
Getting his suitcase from the boot he came back to say goodbye.
"Have fun then," I shrugged.
"I will, but I'll miss you loads."
"Call me?"
"Every night."
"I love you."
"I love you too babe. See you soon."
And that's it. It's the same every time, short but not so sweet.
It should really be easier by now, but it isn't. I don't even know whether it's because I'll miss him, because I don't know if I trust him out there and I'm never sure if he actually means 'I love you'. But hey, that's just three of my many problems in this relationship.
Reaching for my phone in my handbag I gave Chloe a quick call to see what she's doing, going back to our empty house is the last thing I want to do, and with Chlo never being one to refuse a shopping trip I'm sure there will be no complications in planning my afternoon.
Meeting her for a quick pub lunch outside in the sun before hand I sat waiting at one of the tables with a drink for us both.
"Hiya," she smiled marching over in heels.
How she shops in heels I will never know, and I'm a lover of them myself!
"How are you?"
"So, so," I shrugged, "I just need a bit of retail therapy."
"I don't know why you.."
"Chloe," I moaned.
One of her lectures about Charlie is another thing I don't want or need. She has so many problems with Charlie, his ways and his job. Actually, who doesn't?!
She zipped her mouth shut.
"Come on, what are we eating?" I asked picking up a menu.
Deciding on a pasta salad for each of us we continued to catch up after a week of working and having little contact with each other, because sometimes texts just aren't enough.
"It's not all bad, these late shifts keep me busy," I shrugged.
"No you mean out of the house."
"If I wasnt working babe you know I'd be there."
"I know," I smiled. Nine times out of ten she's the first one by my side as Charlie leaves.
"I have Aston anyway," I laughed rolling my eyes.
"Oh no, still?!" she frowned.
"God, how awkward."
"No, he's alright really."
"He is hot," she laughed.
Clearing our plates and settling the bill we made a start on what we really came for..shopping.
Six of our usual shops down and with four bags in hand we made our way into topshop to try on a dress I've had my eye on for far too long.
"Let's see babe," Chloe pleaded from the other side of the curtain.
"Give me a second."
Fastening the zip I smoothed it down.
"Oh, wit woo! that's gorgeous," she grinned.
"I'm sure Charlie will find an occasion for me to wear it when he's back."
"Never mind Charlie, one night this week we are going out and you are wearing that."
Giggling my mind is made up.
Sometimes retail therapy really is all a girl needs.
Vote for the next part, comments welcome :-)
Whilst the boyfriends away
RomanceHere, there and everywhere with work my boyfriend Charlie is rather quick to make me his last priority, and after being offered a job in Dubai theres of course no hesitation to fly out there. It happens to most girls, we fall in love with his good l...