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I gripped the sheets around my body in embarrassment, I feel so dirty after what just happened. It sounds silly considering Charlie's my ex boyfriend but that's the main reason I'm in the state I am. I can't believe how stupid I've been.

"That was amazing," Charlie grinned biting on his bottom lip beside me. "Ey?" he whispered down my neck after getting no reply.

"Stop it," I squirmed.


"It tickles," I lied sitting up in bed.

"Come on, we don't have to go anywhere just yet. I thought we could carry on."

"I've got things to do," I said starting to pick up my underwear from the floor and cover up my modesty.

"Right, so have I then," he sighed.

"What? I thought you wanted a sunday roast."

"Nah, change of plan."

"Since when?"

"Since you just turned down my offer."

I groaned throwing his clothes in a heap at the end of the bed as he scrapped around the bedroom half-naked without a second thought on what just happened.

"Chill out babe, it's too late to start dinner now anyway."

"That's not the point."

"I won't be late, I'm just catching up with some mates."

"Yeah, Stella Artois."

"Don't start this again, a few cans aren't going to kill me."

"No, but a heart attack will," I mumbled under my breath.

"Oh and by the way," he whispered forcing his lips on mine. "You look sexy in red."

I sighed tightening my gown around my waist now feeling cheaper than ever after that comment.

"I'll see you later," he called back leaving me standing centre of the room.

I don't know what seduced me into doing that, there was no romance, no passion and certainly no love-making, so whatever went on in my head was definitely a moment of madness. I was happy enough socializing with Charlie on the couch, I'd had another horrible disagreement with Aston so a night like that was just what I needed. Maybe it was a way to release my anger?

I gulped as I turned away from looking at the bed, I'm starting to feel sick. Shuffling my feet as I wandered through to the kitchen for a glass of water I jumped back at the sound of movement.

"Kayleigh?" Aston spoke.

"Shit, Aston," I gasped. "I didn't know you were home."

"I've just came in," he frowned.

"I was about to make a start on dinner," I said.

"But Charlie's just left?" he questioned pointing to the back door.

"Yeah, he's going out."

"Why we're you, why aren't you dressed?" he stuttered.

I ignored him pouring myself a glass of water.

"Have you just been in there together?"

"What?" I blushed trying to hide my face.

"You've had sex haven't you?"

I dodged the question for the third time.

"Fucking hell babe," he sighed in disappointment. "I thought you had more sense than that, how could you be so stupid?"

Whilst the boyfriends awayWhere stories live. Discover now