Alton Sterling.

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I'm tired.
I'm angry.
I'm crying everywhere.

One by one, black people are being picked off like targets. Everyday a black person dies because of a justice system that was lit built to accommodate us. We celebrate Independece Day, but freedom only comes if you're pale, with peachy skin, and have the privilege of calling America "Home". A black man dies and nobody bats an eye, nobody cares because he's black. When his skin color is acknowledged, so is his criminal background, as if the topic is relevant to a police officer pointing an issued gun to his chest and firing.
It's on video, but so was Eric Garner, and many other people that have died or been injured. It's the Land of the Free ( as long as you aren't "too" free, right?).

Kill me and paint me as the criminal.
Kill me and say that he is the innocent one.
Kill me and tell my family that you decided to shoot rounds in my body because my melanin ran too deep for you liking.
Kill me with my hands up.
Kill me when I'm running from danger.
Kill me when I'm breathing.
Kill me because I'm existing.
Kill me because you can.
And you will.

Maybe, they'll learn when black people start retaliating by building our own economy, our own community, our own jobs. Or maybe they'll just have a bigger motivation for genocide. They'll never learn, you have to care in order to learn.


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