The word hoe.
It means a woman who has sexual intercourse with multiple men.
Or in words of cis men today,
A girl who uses the dog filter on snapchat, or draws in her eyebrows on Instagram.
A hoe,
In my terms -
Means a gardening tool.See,
Hoes don't exist.
What do you call a woman who has multiple sex partners, or has sex more than the "normal" amount?
A woman.
A woman can be the Virgin Mary she desires or she can be a modern day Scarlet A,
A woman can sleep with men and respect her body enough to protect herself or her partner.
It's not being a hoe,
It's called being a woman.If you were taught your body was a temple. You were lied to. Temples are places of worship, much like the body, but it is not some sacred place that no one must enter. Your body is exactly that, your body. It belongs to you. Not your mother. Not your father. And damn sure not a man. A temple has a door that opens and closes. Your body does not have a welcome mat unless you lay it down in front of that door. Your body may be tempting, but how you choose to act on those thoughts are only your concern. Choosing to save yourself is a choice, just like being sexually active. Don't judge a woman because she's comfortable with having sex with anyone she pleases - after all, sex is what got you here in the first place.

PoesíaA book of poems and feelings. A book from a girl, a rose from the concrete. A Woman growing.