You were the only man who dared to love me.
You held me hand and I danced in a lake of fire that no human could put out.
You worshipped my body like the diamonds and pearls we dreamed of buying.
You adored my soul as if it could never turn its back against you,
Even when everyone else did.
You loved me for my beauty,
For it was well deserved and well captured.
You loved me when I was whole,
But loved me even more when I was broken.
You took my tears of pain and turned them into tears of joy.
You took my shattered heart and turned it into kindness and aspiration.
You took my sorrows and my heartaches,
And turned them into passions and memories.
You taught me that there was no one but me,
No one but me who made you feel all the more complete and wanted.
You taught me to love,
After years of being lonely, and unwanted.
You taught me that the love for myself was greater than any man's love for me,
Including your own.

PoetryA book of poems and feelings. A book from a girl, a rose from the concrete. A Woman growing.