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Baby girl, life ain't nothing. Loving ain't as expensive as they say. Hugs and kisses aren't as popular when you're lonely. But baby girl, don't ever let somebody get in your way. All that potential, all that sass, with all that beauty- your way will soon come. Happiness ain't as cheap as it seems. All the money, all the materliastic substances, can buy anything like self-love.
If nobody loves you, respects you, cares about you, or thinks about you in this world- you always will be there for yourself. Nobody can take that away from you, not now. Not ever. Love from others ain't nothing but cheap feelings when you can love yourself, you don't need the acceptance.

Be your own best friend, learn about the body you were taught to hate, embrace the beauty you were to taught wasn't so beautiful. Love yourself, cause nobody else dared to.

Nobody wants to come around when you're broken.

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