Coming home

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*All chapters are unedited, so don’t bitch about it unless you want to edit them for me. 


Chapter One

"Please fasten your seatbelts; we will be landing shortly at Hollywood International Airport On behalf of Continental Airlines and the entire crew, we would like to thank you joining us on this trip and we look forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Enjoy your stay in Fort Lauderdale. The flight attendant said over the intercom. It has been four long years since Preston had been home, he missed his family dearly. He saw them at his graduation three months ago, but only a short time. Now he was going home for good. He was nervous about returning home, he hadn't told his family he was gay. Now that he was going home, he did not think he would be able to keep his sexuality a secret. To make matters worse he had met someone while he was backpacking through Europe. Lucky for him Grant will be attending the same college he is going to attend.

"Hey is everything alright?" Grant asked.

"Yeah, I am just a little nervous about what my family is going to say when I tell them I'm gay," Preston replied.

"Don't worry about it so much, I know you're ready. But if you're not ready tell them then I guess you don't have to tell them yet." Grant said with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"No I'm ready, its time to tell them. I want to tell them about the most amazing guy I met and about how I'm absolutely crazy about him." Preston said as he leaned in to kiss Grant on the cheek.

"Well I think I'm pretty amazing too." Grant replied.

"Oh really, well I guess your not as amazing as I thought you were", said Preston.

"Oh come on, you know I am just teasing you. I just can't help it; you just look so adorable when you're getting teased." Grant said as he gave Preston a kiss on the lips. The man in the next seat shifted uncomfortably as he witnessed Grant's display of public affection. Preston quickly notices the man's discomfort.

"I guess not everyone is ready for boy on boy romance." Grant said to Preston as he looked at the man next to them. The man quickly looked down. Grant could see that Preston felt ashamed for what he felt for him.

"Hey he is just one person, not everyone is close minded as he is. From what you have told me about your family; they will support you no matter what. So don't over think it so much." Grant reassured him.

". Ladies and gentleman we have safely landed. Please check around you seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy items may have shifted around during the flight. Once again we hope you enjoyed your flight as well as your stay in Fort Lauderdale." The flight attendant said over the intercom.

"Well here we are no chance to back out now." Preston said as he grabbed his carry on.

" Just relax will you. God your acting like you're facing a firing squad." Grant said as he gave his shoulder a squeeze.

"Your family loves you no matter what. Nothing you do will change how they feel about you." Preston sighed loudly.

"I know I just don't know how everyone else will take the news? What is it like to know that you're not normal to most people? That most people find what you are disgusting and sinful." Preston let the tears that had been building up fall down his cheeks. He hated to feel weak in front of Grant; he never let things get to him, no matter what the problem was.

"Hey there is no need to get upset over things that don't matter." Grant said as he wiped away Preston tears.

"I'm not upset. I just have something in my eyes." Preston replied and pushed Grant's hand away. He turned his back on Grant and got his bag then headed towards the exit.

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