Coming Out

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Chapter Six


            Preston woke up feeling better then he had yesterday. He had to talk to Grant about how he is not ready to come out yet and he hoped Grant would be ok with his decision. If he can’t accept that, then they don’t belong together. He didn’t really want to break things off with him. He cared a lot for Grant and he hoped he felt the same way. Not wanting more time to pass by he picked up his phone to call Grant. The phone rang until it went to his voicemail, he must still be asleep. Preston left him a message and hung up. Preston slipped his phone into his back pocket and went downstairs for breakfast with the family.

            When he got to the kitchen, his mom was waiting for him. Preston sat across his mom and reached for an apple. His mom just stared at him as he took a bite from his apple.

            “Where is everyone?” Preston asked.

            “They went to get stuff for breakfast; they left about five minutes ago.” His mom said.

            “Why didn’t they wait for me, we could have gone together or we could have eaten out instead of cooking here.” Preston said.

            “I wanted to talk to you alone, so I sent them to the store. It will give us time alone to talk.” His mom said.

            Her tone  worried him. The only time his mom ever wanted to talk to him alone was when he did something that she didn’t approve.

            “Sure mom what did you want to talk about?” Preston asked.

            His mom got up from the table and went into the other room. When she came back, she had a large envelope with her. She placed it on the table and pushed it towards him. Confused was all that Preston felt when he stared at the envelope. What could be inside the envelope that has his mom so worried? He just stared at it, not knowing what to do.

            “Open it” his mom said.

            Preston got it and reached in to pull out what was in it. He  pulled out a photo;  it was of him and Grant sharing a kiss in front of the Eiffel tower. A cold chill just washed over him, he didn’t know what to say to his mom. Only one question stood out in his mind.

            “Who gave you this?” he asked in a tone that was barely a whisper.

            “The better question is do you have something to tell me?” his mom replied.

            “I can explain, it’s just that it was I don’t know a little joke maybe” Preston stammered. He only stammered  when he knew there was no way out and only the truth helped right now.

            “Mom I don’t know if you want to hear the truth. It’s not something most people are comfortable with it.” Preston said as he felt his eyes water and finding it hard to talk.

            “Preston look at me, I am your mother and nothing can change how I feel about you.” His mom said as she took his hand into hers.

            “I am gay and the guy in the picture is my boyfriend.” Preston said as he let out the tears and sobs that had being building up.

            “Oh Preston, honey I don’t care if your gay. You’re still my son and I love you. As I said, nothing will ever change that.” She said as she took him in her arms to comfort him. Erin knew that this wasn’t easy for him to say. Not everyone will understand like her. She couldn’t speak for what everyone else in the family is going to say.

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