Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

            Dinner with his family wasn’t too bad; he was expecting a lot more chaos from his sister Rose. She was actually on her best behavior, which shocked Robert and Nora.  He still felt bad for leaving early from Ann Marie’s house. He knew that Preston was pretty pissed at him for not telling him that he was Ann Marie’s boyfriend.  He decided to call Preston and apology for not telling him.

            “Robert I don’t feel like talking right now.” Preston said, his voice was hoarse like he had been crying. 

            “Preston what’s wrong? Did Grant do something to hurt you?”

            He heard Preston let out a small chuckled. “You really don’t like Grant do you.”

            “Why do you say that?”

            “You always assume he is the reason I’m crying.”

            “Well he did make you cry the day I met you, so you can’t blame me for jumping to that conclusion.”

            “Well I guess you have a point there and no he isn’t the reason I have been crying.”

            “Let me guess it was your dad.”

            “Yes” Preston let out a string of sobs.

            “I’m sorry Preston, what happen this time?” Robert waited for Preston to finish and to tell him what happen.

            “Well he just basically finds me disgusting and he can’t stand to look at me. I still have to stay here for three more weeks until school starts but I don’t think I can take it much longer.”

            “Hey you shouldn’t let it get to you, just keep your head up and the next three weeks will fly by like nothing.”

            “I guess you’re right. Oh by the way when the heck were you going to tell me you were going out with my cousin?”

            “Damn I thought you would forget about that. Well ok, here’s the story; I didn’t know you were Ann Marie’s cousin until like two days ago. When I found out, I didn’t know how to tell you. I just got the feeling you would get mad and think I knew all along that you two were cousins.”

            “So the day we meet you didn’t know who I was? You just came up to a complete stranger and started a conversation?”

            “Yes that’s right.”

            “Do you always start conversations with complete strangers?”

            “Actually no, but for some reason I felt drawn to you. It looked like you needed  someone to talk to.”

            “Well I’m glad you did, you have been a great friend.”

            “No problem, I am always here when you need a shoulder to lean on.”

            “Well I’m going to let you go, I’m really tired but we can hang out sometime if you like and we can invite Ann Marie and Grant. Since we all know each other now and you can see for yourself how much of a good guy Grant is.”  

            “Yeah sure we could all hang out before we all start school.”

            “Great we can do it sometimes this week. I’ll just get with Grant and Ann Marie and tell you when we can meet up.”

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