Truth Comes Out

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Chapter Eight

When Robert woke up the next morning, he noticed he had some missed calls from his girlfriend. She left him a message to call her as soon as he could. He got out of bed and got ready; he knew that he was going to have to pick her up. He dialed her number and waited for her to answer.

            “Robbie I really need to talk to you, can you come for me at my friend’s house?” she asked.

            He really hated it when she called him that, it made him feel like he was still a kid. Not even his own mom called him that.

            “Sure I’m on my way, see you in a bit.” Robert said as he reached for his keys and went out the door.


            When he pulled up to her friend’s house, he honked his horn and waited for her to come out. He waited about ten minutes before she finally came out and got into the car.

            “Hey Robbie, sorry I made you wait.” She said.

            “That’s alright, so what happen that you had to stay at a friend’s house?” Robert asked.

            “Oh my god last night was just horrible. We were having dinner at my house then my brother Xavier proposed to his girlfriend.” She said.

            “What’s so bad about that?” Robert asked.

            “Oh no that’s not what was bad; it was the fact that my cousin Preston decided to make a huge announcement at the same moment. He let us know that he is gay. Now that was what made the night bad.” She said.

            When he heard Preston’s name, he just knew it was the same Preston  he had met at the mall and who he had been talking too. How did he not make the connection soon; that this was the same Preston she would talk about and say how much she missed him? He felt like an idiot for not putting it together.

            “So he made a mistake, it couldn’t have been easy for him to just come out and say it.” Robert said.

            “I know it wasn’t, but come on he could have just waited to tell us and not ruin my brother’s special moment.” She said.

            “Ann Marie you can’t be serious about that can you? He just made a mistake, he is human after all.” Robert said.

“What do you know you weren’t there!” Ann Marie raised her voice.

            “Oh my god you have a problem with him being gay don’t you?” Robert asked.

            “What if I do; it’s just wrong Robert?” She said.

            “Ann Marie he is your family, this has got to be tough on him and you just turned your back on him.” Robert said.

            “So what if I did, why should I feel bad for his poor choice in life? Now you’re going to tell me he can’t help it, that he was born that way?” Ann Marie said.

            “Well yes, he can’t help how he feels. I do believe you can’t help with whom you fall in love with. Why are you being so ugly about this?” Robert asked.

            “How would you feel if one of your sisters was gay?” Ann Marie asked.

            “I would be fine with it, because she is my family. If your family can’t be there for you then who can be?” Robert said.

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