Morning After

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Chapter Nine

            When Preston woke up the next morning, he still felt terrible after what  went down last night. He knew he should have waited until today to tell his family, but instead he ruined Xavier’s special moment. It was going to be awhile before Xavier got over that. He made his way to the kitchen to see if his mom was up yet. When he walked into the kitchen, he only found his dad eating breakfast and reading the paper.

            “Morning dad,” Preston said as he poured himself a bowl of cereal. He only heard his grunt and continued to read the paper. He had wondered how long his dad was going to ignore him.

            “It’s a nice day to play some hoops outside today, would you like to join me in a game of one on one?” Preston asked. His dad just continued to read the paper and ignore him. He just felt angry; he had never felt like this before, but he didn’t want to lose it in front of his dad. Therefore, he just got up from the table and walked out of the room. He was going back to his room, but he ran into his mom. Off the bat, she saw that he was upset.

            “Preston what is wrong?” she asked

            “Nothing mom, I’m just going for a walk, I’ll be back later.” Preston said as he headed for the front door.

            “Preston did you at least have breakfast?” his mom asked.

            “I’m not hungry right now, maybe later.” Preston said as he stepped outside.          She watched him as he made his way down the street. She wished she could make things easier for him, but knew he was going to have to get through this on his own.

            She walked into the kitchen and found Gregory eating breakfast. Then she saw a bowl of uneaten cereal. Preston must have poured it and for some reason left it here untouched.

            “Why didn’t Preston eat this?” Erin asked.

            “I have no clue what your son does.” Gregory said. He wasn’t going to make it any easier for Preston by ignoring him. He didn’t realize that he was slowly pushing him away.

            “Oh my son, I thought he was your son as well.” Erin said as she took the bowl of cereal poured it back into the box.

            “I have no son, only a nephew who I consider a son and he hasn’t been here all morning. So that is not his bowl of cereal.” Gregory said.

            “When are you going to stop being mad and get over your only son being gay?” Erin shouted at him.

            “Damn it Erin you don’t understand, I had hope one day he would meet a good girl, get married and have a family of his own. Now it looks like that isn’t going to happen.” Gregory shouted.

            “Just because he likes boys doesn’t mean that he won’t be able to do all that.” Erin said.

            “Erin if you haven’t notice we live in Florida and same-sex marriage is not allowed. As for having a family, it’s going to be hard for him to adopt or to even find a surrogate to have his kid. In addition, I don’t think it is even a good idea for any gay couple to have kids. Like we need more fags in this world.” Gregory said as he placed his plate and cup in the sink.

            “So you think homosexuality is contagious and they just weren’t born like that?” Erin asked him.

            “Yes I do believe that, and I also believe that maybe we messed up by letting him attned  an all boys school. For all we know his roommate was a fag and caught it from him. So now, our only son is a fag and we will never get to have grandchildren. How do you feel about that?” Gregory asked.

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