Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

            Preston couldn’t believe Robert had faked that he was sick, just to get out of having dinner with them. He thought he was a coward for leaving and not staying to face him. When he had a chance, he was going to call him and give him an ear full.

             “Hey what’s wrong I thought dinner went great, aside from Ann Marie’s boyfriend getting sick and leaving early?” Grant said that as he wrapped his arms around Preston waist.          They were outside on the porch and the evening went smoothly aside from Robert leaving.

            “Yeah it did, I’m glad everyone liked you. Well almost everyone.” Preston knew that Cynthia wanted out of there and his dad didn’t even bother to show up. He also felt like Grant was the real reason Robert left, he got the feeling Robert disliked Grant.

            “Hey don’t worry about it; three out of five is better than none at all.”

            “I guess you’re right, so tell me what’s with the new haircut?” Preston said as he ran his fingers through Grant’s hair.

            “Well I wanted to make a good impression on the rest of your family. You don’t like?”

            “Are you kidding, I love it. I had been secretly hoping you would cut it off.”

            “Oh really, and here I thought the ponytail was what made you fall for me. Well at least I know not to let it grow out again.”

            “Yes please for everything that is holy don’t let it grow out again and you are seriously crazy if you thought a ponytail was hot.” Preston chuckled and gave Grant a kiss on the cheek.

            “Ouch you really know how to hurt a guy.”

            “Oh come on, you had to know that growing out your hair that long was not a good look. It made you look like a dirty hippie and hippies are not sexy.”

            “Touché, well you don’t have to worry about me growing it out again.”

            “Good” Preston noticed a pair of headlights coming up the driveway; once he saw the car, he knew it was his dad.

            “Crap” Preston muttered to himself, but Grant heard him.

            “What” Grant asked when he saw Preston get very still and turned to look in the direction he was staring at. Preston’s dad had just come home and he knew he was worried about what his dad was going to say.  Preston watched as his dad made his way to the front door. He was wondering if he was going to ignore him as he has been doing.

            “Hey dad, how was work?” Preston waited to see if he would answer him. Nothing is all Preston heard, he didn’t even look up to acknowledge his presence. Grant watched Preston’s dad just walked by like no one was there, he couldn’t just stand there and not say anything to him.

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