Chapter Forty-Six

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Chapter Forty-Six

It had been two months since Preston had come back to school and everyday was worse than the first one. He had been ignoring all the messages Robert had been leaving him. As much as he wanted to just pick up the phone and call him he couldn’t, not when his life was being put in danger. He was glad it was spring break; he just wanted to go home. Just to get away from here and from Robert and his new girlfriend Chloe. He knew that he shouldn’t really be jealous; he was the one that break up with Robert. According to Vera, Robert wasn’t going home for Spring Break.  He was going to Miami with Chloe.  Preston was glad; he didn’t have to worry about running into Robert. Preston finished packing his bag and took it to the living room and waited for Xavier and Ann Marie to get here. While Preston waited he thought of Nora, Robert’s little sister, this was the time she should be finding out what she was having. He bet that Nora wasn’t too happy when she found out Robert wasn’t going home. He missed her and Tanya; he wished he could talk them again. He knew he couldn’t without them asking him why he broke up with Robert.

            “Hey you ready to go, Ann Marie is waiting for us?” Xavier said.

            “Yeah I’m ready,” Preston got up and grabbed his bag and stepped out of the apartment. They picked up Ann Marie and took off home.

            “I can’t believe you’re not going home, I’m surprise Nora hasn’t come over here to strangle you.” Vera said to Robert as he was loading up his car.

            “Like I said before she understands why I’m not going home. Besides I’m meeting Chloe’s parents.” This was a lie, Chloe and her parents are not on speaking terms ever since she told them she was a lesbian. He was just tagging along with her and her new girlfriend. He just didn’t want to be home right now, things were tense with his uncle ever since Rose died.

            “What the hell, you don’t ever meet the parents of your girlfriends, I know you don’t really like this girl. You will never love anyone like you loved Preston.” Robert was really getting tired of Vera’s nagging lately.

            “Vera stop it, I know what you’re trying to do, but it’s not going to work. Remember he broke up with me, he doesn’t want me. Now let me move on with my life. I’m not going to waste my time waiting for him to realize he made a mistake. I’m done doing that.” It had been two months and Preston hadn’t even bothered to talk to him after he had left him message after message. He was done waiting and he needed to move on.

            “I just don’t think you should give up on him just yet.”

            “I know you don’t, but for my own good I need too.” Robert closed his trunk and went to the driver side and got in. “I’ll see you when I come back, have fun at home.” Robert drove off to pick up Chloe and drive to Miami.

            Antonio was sitting at his desk he had a big case coming up in an hour and he had a feeling he might not win it. His head hasn’t been in the case at all. He had to win this case or he was going to have a very pissed off mob boss on his back. He heard his assistant tell him he had a call from Mister Gold, he picked up the phone.

            “Hello this is Mr. Castillo what can I do for you?”

            “Yes I’m Edgar Gold and I’m your daughter’s doctor, I couldn’t get a hold of her or your wife, but I was just calling to say I had to move back Nora’s ultrasound appointment to Wednesday instead of Monday.”

            “What ultrasound appointment?”

            “She has an appointment schedule to have an ultrasound done; this ultrasound will tell you the sex of the baby.” Once he heard baby, Antonio dropped the phone. He couldn’t believe she had been keeping this from him and that Tanya knew as well. He picked up the phone and told the doctor he will be sure to give her the message. He looked at the clock and saw that he could not do anything until after the trial. He grabbed his files and left for the courthouse. Throughout the trial his mind kept going back to what he found out, he wasn’t paying attention to what was going on, before he knew it the trail had ended and they had found his client guilty. This was the first time he had ever lost a trial; he knew that Albert was not going to be happy about his right hand man going to prison. He left the courthouse before Albert could get to him and called his assistant to cancel all his meetings and he wasn’t coming back to the office. He drove home and waited for Nora to get home. As soon as Nora and Tanya walked into the house he pounced on them.

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