Chapter Forty-Three

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Chapter Forty-Three

            The next morning Vera walked into Robert’s room and opened the curtains, it was already one in the afternoon and Robert was still sleeping. As soon as the sunlight filled the room, she could heard Robert moving in his bed

“Oh my god, close the damn curtains.” Robert groaned and covers his head with a pillow. Vera jumped onto his bed and started to shake him to get out of bed.

“Come on it’s time to wake up.” Robert grabbed one of the pillows and chunked it at Vera.        

“Vera, go away, I don’t feel good and you’re just making it worse with the yelling and jumping on the bed.” Robert felt like his head was going to explode, the light from outside was burning his eyes. Even the birds chirping outside were too loud for Robert’s ears and only intensified his headache. What was he think about last night, when he decided to drink almost two whole bottles of liquor? He sat up in his bed and looked at Vera, she handed him a glass of water and some aspirins

“Thanks,” Robert took the pills and drank all the water.

“So how are you feeling, besides having a killer hangover?” Vera asked, he knew what she was talking about and he felt like he had his heart ripped out and stomped on.

            “Fine,” Robert got out of his bed, he needed to take a long hot shower, he reeked of alcohol and he was still wearing his clothes from yesterday. As he started to remove his hoodie a small box fell out of the pocket. Vera picked it up and handed it to him.

            “You sure your fine?” she asked. Robert opened the box and stared at the ring, he had planned on giving Preston the ring last night. It wasn’t the romantic setting he had in mind, but he didn’t want to wait any longer. Then all the anger and frustration he felt when he saw Preston kissing Grant came rushing back. He yelled out in anger and threw the box against the wall. As it smashed into the wall the ring fell out and landed on the floor. Vera sighed as she walked over to pick it up.

            “That right there is a sign you’re not fine, what you plan on doing with this?” she said as she handed him the ring back. Robert took the ring and sighed, he didn’t know what to do with it. A part of him wanted to throw it away. The other part wanted to keep it in hopes Preston realize he is making a big mistake getting back with Grant. He took off his St. Jude pendent and placed the ring on the chain, he wouldn’t get rid of it just yet.

            “Like I said I’m fine, let me just shower and change and I will be downstairs in minute. Don’t tell my mom or Nora anything yet, I want to tell them.” Robert said as he made his way to his bathroom. Vera nodded her head and walked out of his room. Robert turned on his shower and waited for the hot water to kick in; he got undressed and got in the shower letting the hot water cascade down his body. The hot water helped his pounding headache, but didn’t do much for the ache he felt in his chest. He didn’t think nothing could ever make that go away. No matter how much time passes, he will always have that ache in his chest. He got out of the shower and got dressed, and he went downstairs. When he walked into the living room he found his mom, Nora and Vera waiting for him.

            “Good afternoon mijo, are you hungry; I can make you something to eat if you like?” his mom asked, he could see that her face was filled with worry.

            “Yes that would be nice, thanks mom.” Tanya got up and went into the kitchen; Robert took a seat next to Nora. He turned to face her, “I’m sorry about last night, I really didn’t mean to or have the right to snap at you like that. I hope you can forgive me?” Nora looked at him and smiled, hugged him.

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