Hanging Out pt 2

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Chapter Thirteen

            When Preston got to the mall, he headed toward the food court and sat at the table he and Robert first met at. As he sat there waiting for him, and he was starting to feel nervous about seeing him again. He didn’t know why he would be nervous, it’s not like he is gay. It’s not like he needs to impress him so Robert will like him. Robert will never like him because he has a p where a v should be.. He was really getting frustrated with himself for wanting a straight guy to like him. He had a boyfriend who loved him and he was thinking of another guy, who has a girlfriend by the way. What was wrong with him?Prestonwas pulling at his hair, he knew it must look messed up already. He had spent almost an hour fixing it to impress a straight guy. He felt bad, he had a great boyfriend and the second a good-looking guy talks to him he is ready to throw Grant aside.Preston was in such deep thought; he didn’t see Robert approach him.

            “Hey Preston” Robert said as he pulled out a chair for his girlfriend, then he sat down in front of him. Great he must look like a mess; he tried to smooth his hair back to how he had it before. When Preston looked at Robert's girlfriend his heart sank, she was beautiful. He had been hoping she would at least be a little ugly.

            “Hey Robert and friend”Prestonsaid with a fake plastered smile on his face.

            “Preston this is an old family friend Vera, Vera this is Preston my new friend.” Robert said.Preston thought great they must have been going out for a long time now, most likely going to marry her.

            “It’s nice to meet you Preston.” Vera said flashing him a 100-watt smile that show her perfect teeth.

            “Likewise Vera”Preston said. He wanted to ask how long they have been going out, but decided not too. He didn’t need to be reminded that he could never have him. What was he thinking he had a boyfriend; he needs to stop having these thoughts for another guy.

            “So Preston, Robert tells me you’re gay. How has that been working out with your family?”

            Preston looked at her and wandered  who does she thinks she is to  be asking me about my personal life. What is it to her? She doesn’t need to know what happens at home.  Preston was mad, but he knew it wasn’t at her. He was feeling jealous because Robert had a girlfriend. He needed to stop it already; it was never going to happen.  He needed to change his attitude; plus he could use more friends.

            “Not good but not really bad either. Half my family supports me and the other half thinks I am disgusting.”Prestonsaid.

            “That doesn’t sound too bad, do you have a boyfriend?” Vera asked.

            “Yeah he does, but I think he could find a better one.” Robert said.

            “Why do you say that, have you met him?” Vera asked.

            “No but from what I have heard about him, I don’t like him.” Robert said.

            “Damn it Robert, you don’t know him. So you have no right to be judging him.”Prestonsaid his tone laced with anger.

            “What guy forces his boyfriend to come out to his family, when  clearly he is not ready?” Robert said his tone matchingPreston.

            “He forced you to come out to your family?” Vera asked in disbelief.

            “Yes and no, Robert doesn’t know the whole story. He just likes to think he does, plus he doesn’t understand how hard it is for Grant to have to be hidden from my family.”Prestonsaid.

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