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AMAZING movie poster by carkann

 I woke up in a hospital bed again. Though, this time, I was in an actual hospital. I looked to my right and saw Iris sitting in a chair, asleep. 

I sat up, and she stirred.

"You really need to learn to stay out of trouble, Winters."

"Shut up, West. Where's Detective Pretty Boy? Shouldn't he be with you?" I asked.

I was, apparently, the only one who knew about Iris and Eddie dating. I only knew because I caught them hanging out for lunch and Iris fessed up.

"He's with Dad. They're going to Mardon's old hideout to see if they can find him."

"I need to go down to the station!" I said, quickly, moving to get up.

"For what?" Iris protested. "There's not going to be any victims, no need for a psychologist."

I bit my lip. "I can call Joe on his walkie-talkie and maybe help him get through to Mardon."

"Well..." She trailed off. "The doctors did say there was nothing wrong with you.."

I grinned. "Great!" Then I started pulling at the IVs. "What are you doing?" Iris said, panicky.

"Iris. I'm a doctor. Granted, a psychologist, but I have medical knowledge. Remember?"

She nodded uneasily. A nurse came in and almost had a heart attack, seeing me up out of my bed.

We signed out of the hospital with the still-shocked nurses, and I headed to the CCPD while Iris headed to Jitters for her late night shift.

I may have lied to Iris. 

I wasn't heading to CCPD. I was heading to the farm where Joe was. If Mardon was there, I could talk to him, but I could also help defeat him. Of course, this will spring questions from Joe and Eddie, but still, I needed to help.

'What are you doing, Rory? I thought you said you were done.' I thought to myself.

Maybe he was right. My need to be heroic would always get the better of me. My weakness.

Regardless, I headed for the farm.

By the time I got there, Mardon had formed a tornado and was heading towards the city.

Joe was standing there with Eddie, shock evident on his face.

I ran over and yelled at him over the loud sound of the wind.

"Not so impossible now, huh Joe?" 

"Winters! What are you doing here?!" Joe yelled back.

"Figured I could try talking to Mardon, try to talk him out of this, but seems like its a little too late for that." I said, only partially the truth.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw red flash by me, heading for the tornado.

"What the..." Eddie began.

Joe looked at the figure breathlessly, as did I.

"Speedster." I muttered.

"What?" Eddie questioned.

"That's what it is. A speedster."

"How do you know that?" Joe asked.

"I don't know. Just came to mind. Whoever that is, they're really fast."  I replied, shrugging.

We watched as this 'speedster' started looking at the tornado.

"Cut off the tornado's legs!" I yelled in their direction.

They looked towards me and the two detectives, giving me a strange look. The speedster nodded slowly and started sprinting around the tornado at high speeds.

Eventually, the tornado died down and Mardon had a gun pointed at the figure, who we could see was a guy. Joe took a shot at Mardon, hitting his target.

The speedster looked in our direction, and then sped off again.

Joe, after making sure Mardon was actually dead, asked me how I was out of the hospital so soon, and after giving him the story, he scolded me for being so reckless. He left quickly, saying he needed to see Barry, and then Eddie left after him, saying the same thing about Iris.

I looked over at where the speedster stood. 

Central City might just have a vigilante now. Or maybe he would be called a superhero instead.

One thing I knew for sure, was that this time, I wasn't running away.

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