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Last chapter, brb while I go cry.

I thought it was a little strange that Barry thought he wouldn't be fast enough to make it. Why? Well, first off, I was not nearly as fast as Barry. Secondly, he's gone back to that night before, last year. And he came back without saving his mom. He was fine. But then again, he had Dr. Wells to help him.

We started running in the streets outside of the West house. We circled around the block a few times, and the portal opened soon enough. We ran through, and I saw dozens of weird images, flashing before my eyes. It was the strangest thing. This must be what Zoom talked about before we had gone through the portal to Earth-1 from Earth-2.


"Make sure you keep your eyes closed the entire time. You might see something you shouldn't." Zoom said.

"What would I see?" I asked, still dazed.


I had taken his advice. The Speed Force was a headache enough without seeing something strange.

Flashback end

Eventually, we made it. It was so weird, seeing Barry's house. We were in a small room. I looked around. A child's room. It must be Barry's.

Barry motioned towards the small fish-tank, where the water was rising. A sign of the Speed Force at play. He motioned with his hand for me to follow him. I followed him downstairs, where we soon heard screaming. Two blurs sped around Nora Allen. We knew who they were; The Flash and the Reverse-Flash of the future. Henry Allen is yelling at young Barry to run. Barry from the future runs Barry from the past out of the house. The Reverse-Flash takes this as his opportunity. 

Barry and I both knew what came next. 

We had decided to hide on the stairs from view until Nora was stabbed. Afterwards, when Henry went to find younger Barry and get the police, my Barry would go talk to Nora before she died. One final time.

I saw a twitch in Barry's arm.

"Barry.." I whispered, a warning tone.

"I'm sorry, Aurora." He said, and before I could react he runs into the room where Eobard Thawne and Nora were. He punches Thawne, throwing him off of his mom. He punches his repeatedly. I follow into the room, hopeless. And pissed. I should have known.

"You're not gonna kill her. Not this time. Never again." Barry says, angrily, to the unconscious Thawne.

We both turn when the door next to us opens. Out comes yet another version of Barry. This must be the one from last year. He smiles before disappearing.

I gasp. Oh no.

 "Barry.." I whispered.

He was looking at his mom, who was terrified, and had fainted from the sheer terror.

Barry looks up at me, hope in his face, but also guilt at having lied to me.

His mouth drops when he looks at me.

"Don't you see now, Barry?" I whispered, sadly.

I look at my arms, which were fading from existence.

Without Barry Allen becoming the Flash, there is no Flicker. This version of Aurora Winters does not exist.

"Aurora, no, there must be another way." Barry says, frantically.

"Barry, I love you. I am so glad that I met you." I started, coming to terms with what was happening.

"Rory.. stop saying that. You're going to be alright." He says, worried.

"It was an honor to be a speedster alongside you, Flash. My time as Flicker was fantastic. I never thought I could become a vigilante again. And I never thought I would be a hero. I never thought I would meet people as fantastic as our friends at STAR Labs. But most importantly, I never thought I would fall in love with someone with such a dorky name like Bartholomew. I love you, Barr. If you find Cisco in this timeline, tell him that I said hey. He probably won't know me, and I probably won't know him. I'll forget about this life. But I don't want you to forget, Barry. I hope you find peace and happiness with your parents." I smiled.

Barry starts crying, shaking his head. "No. No. I'm going to find you again, Aurora. I'm going to find you and everything will be fine." He says, in denial.

"I love you, Aurora." He whispers.

"Be happy Barry." I say again, as I can feel myself slowly fading. It's a weird feeling, not at all as you would imagine dying. Maybe because I'm not technically dying, I'm just.... disappearing. I felt light-headed. I started panicking slightly. I won't know about Barry when I wake up next. If I wake up next. What if I don't exist in any form in this new timeline?

I tried once more to say goodbye.

"I love-"

Flicker ⌁ Barry Allen [1]Where stories live. Discover now