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"Aurora, wake up." I heard a voice say, as I was shook gently. 

I groaned in response. 

"STAR Labs needs us. Harry thinks he's got a solution to our problem." I recognize the voice as Barry's.

I rolled over to look at him, sitting at the side of the bed. "Carry me to our car." I said, throwing my arms in the air, eyes still partially closed.

"It feels weird having a car." I mumbled as we reached our car. Which wasn't technically ours, it was a rental.

Barry's eyes got a little hint of sadness, but he cleared his throat and put on a grin. "Even before the particle accelerator exploded, I never had a car. Maybe that's why I was always late." 

I laughed. The car ride to STAR Labs took longer than I expected. Maybe because we would've made it there in ten seconds or less if we had our speed. 

Once we made it there, we found Dr. Wells arguing with Joe. And somebody else. I didn't quite know him, but I knew who it was.

"Dad!" Barry shouted, rushing over and giving him a hug.

"What are you doing here?" Barry asked.

"Well, Joe called me here because of your.. predicament." Henry said.

He noticed me out of the corner of his eye. "And who might this be? This Flicker speedster I've been hearing about?" 

I gave a shy smile, which was quite unusual for me. "My-"

"Dad, this is Aurora, my-" Barry glances at me. "-my girlfriend. And partner in crime fighting, you could say."

"Aurora, hm?" Henry asked, giving me a small smile.

"Most people call me Rory. Barry's really the only one who calls me Aurora." I said, shrugging slightly.

Henry steps closer to me. I put my hand out to shake his hand, with an awkward smile on my face.

He chuckled, shook his head, and pulled me in for a hug.

"He will not shut up about you." He whispered in my ear, so that only I could hear.

I smiled and looked at Barry, who was grinning from ear to ear.

Henry's warm smile fell as Dr. Wells continued.

"Barry, I know how to get your speed back. Possibly yours, as well, Rory." 

"How?" Barry asked.

"By recreating the conditions that gave you your speed. We can create a miniature particle accelerator. Barry, we can inject you with the same chemicals you fell into, and Rory, we can recreate the electrified water that ran through you."

I went to speak, but Barry answered before I could. "We'll think about it. I'll get back to you, Wells."

Barry had decided to go for a walk once we got back to my apartment, which was basically considered our apartment now, because he spent most nights there anyways.

It was weird considering him going out for a walk, he usually went for a faster-than-the-speed-of-sound run.

When he returned he sat next to me on the couch. I paused my netflix show of American Horror Story. Barry could never stomach watching it, and I knew he had wanted to talk about Wells' plan.

"Iris called me. Asked me to come to Jitters. We talked. About the plan." Barry said. I could tell he was upset over this. He was talking in short sentences.

"And what does she think?" I asked in return. 

He put his arm around me, and I instinctively laid back onto his shoulder.

"She doesn't think I should. She said it doesn't matter to you or her if I have my powers or not."

I thought there was more to it than that, but I didn't push it. 

"What do you think?" He asked, looking at me. His eyes showed concern.

"To be honest, I agree with Iris. I don't need my speed. I knew how to be a hero before, I can learn how to be a hero after. But if you decide to get it back, I will be by your side. I won't be angry. I won't be upset with you. This is your decision, Barry. Nobody can make it for you. Not me, not Iris, not your dad." I said.

He smiled at me, and opened his mouth to speak before his phone going off interrupted him.

He grabbed his phone, answering it.

"Cisco? Hey, calm down, man. What's going on-"

"We're on our way." He said, and hung up the phone.

He stood up from the couch, grabbing his coat.

"Caitlin sent us a message. Jitters is being attacked. Tonight."

I had to change some of the plot to make sense in this story. (Like Iris not telling Barry she had feelings for him, him not being the one to tell Henry, etc.) Also, Reaper is here from Earth-2, but Rory hasn't really been involved, that's why he's not really mentioned in this chapter. Barry also has already done the hologram. He did it while Rory was asleep, so she knows about it, but it wasn't really mentioned. Sorry for any confusion. ((Also we only have a couple chapters left!))

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