
4.5K 139 9

Oh my god, you guys! This book has 4.5k reads! When the frick-frack did that happen??? Thank you guys so much! It's so weird to me, since none of my other books have ever gotten this many reads. I would never have imagined that this many people would be interested in this! I love you all  :)

Barry was rescued by Wally, who did not heed the Flash's advice about staying out of heroism. Thank god he didn't listen, because Barry could have very well gotten hurt by Laurel's doppelganger. 

Joe, however, wasn't too happy that Wally 'rode right into the thick of it.'

"Wally was lucky tonight. I don't want to see the day when he isn't." He said after the argument he had with Barry. He then left the room, quite angrily.

A few hours later, Cisco comes practically bolting into the Cortex, Harry right behind him.

"So we found out that all Earth-2 people vibrate at their own more erratic frequency." Cisco says.

"Higher frequency." Wells corrects.

Cisco shrugged. "Different frequency."

"Higher." Wells insists.

Cisco concedes. "Higher frequency than we do."

"Right." Barry nods.

"So I ran this all past Hartley, right?" Cisco continues, while Barry gives a weird look at Hartley's name. He didn't really like him, sure, but with the look he gave, you would think he thought Hartley was a criminal or something. I tuned back into the conversation.

"So, basically, if you or Rory-" 

"I'll do it." Barry says automatically.

"Whichever, runs around the city fast enough to create a refracting field, the device can send out a pulse that'll bounce off of it, split apart, and collide with itself over and over." Cisco explained.

"And when the pulse hits anyone from Earth-2, it'll disrupt their nervous system." I nodded, understanding.

"Earth-2 metas go night-night." Cisco smirked.

"Even Zoom?" Barry asked.

"Even Zoom." Harry agrees.

As they continue to discuss, I think of where my Earth-2 doppelganger could be. I doubt she is a meta, otherwise Zoom would have brought her here to mess with mine and/or Barry's head. Either she's an average human, she doesn't live in Central City, or she's dead.

Cisco's meta-human alert goes off. Black Siren is preparing to take down a building with hundreds of people living inside. 

Harry commands Barry to start creating the refracting shield. 

Caitlin then speaks up. "I think I just had the worst idea of all time." She looks at me, wide-eyed, and suddenly I understand. I take a deep breath.


"I don't think I've taken down so many buildings at once." Cisco, Caitlin, and I wait with baited breaths for the perfect moment to make our entrance with the craziest idea in the world.

"Maybe your not as powerful as you think." Cisco says, in a deep voice. 

"Reverb, Killer Frost. I thought you two were dead."

"Zoom thinks that too. We'd like to keep it that way." I said, making my presence known. "Ah. Looks like it's common for Zoom to not kill his intended targets, Blink." She actually smiles a pleasant smile. Maybe she was friends with my sister in the short time she knew her?

The three of us most look like a sight. Caitlin had managed to find an old wig of hers, and dyed it white. Cisco had his hair slicked back. They looked exactly like their doppelgangers. Unfortunately, we didn't have any wigs to dye. So, we had to dye my hair black. Barry didn't know yet. I wonder how he'll react. He loved my hair. I missed my strawberry blonde strands already, as well. I looked too much like my younger sister now. I had forgotten that we were nearly identical twins. 

Cisco and Caitlin begin planting an idea of a team up to take down Zoom together in Laurel's mind.

Laurel finally seems to be interested, when she looks to me. "And what of our plan, Blink? You've been awfully quiet. What about our plan to exact revenge on Flicker? You're acting rather strange around your best friend you haven't seen since your apparent death."

I brought my voice to a snarky, yet slightly timid tone. "Combined, we can all defeat Zoom and my sister, as well as her little boyfriend, the Flash. Come on, Laurel, let's end Zoom and become gods."

"There's just one more thing, Blink." Laurel smiles sweetly, a little too sweetly.

"Emberlynn Winters never told me that Flicker was her sister. She also never made a plan with me to exact revenge. She didn't do anything without Zoom's approval. Loyal like a dog." Black Siren smirks.

She then throws something at Cisco, who catches it with his right hand.

"You know, doppelgangers are mirror images of themselves." Black Siren smirks, pacing. "But you three didn't know that, did you?" 

"Reverb was left-handed." Caitlin whispers, terrified.

Cisco stutters. "Well, I just- I just happened to, you know, catch it with my right- Run!"

Suddenly, Laurel's doppelganger drops to the floor, unconscious. 

"We did it. We did it." Jesse says over the comms.

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