Chapter One

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"And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them." As it says in Genesis 6:7.

    We live in a world where wars are fought and refugees seek shelter. The same world in which gas prices are high and businesses seem to deteriorate as greed takes over. The world right now  plunged into darkness with no light to oppose it. Our world is not perfect, but we can choose to balance the good and evil at all costs to the expense of ones life. Christianity is filled with myths and legends. The only difference is the story I'm about to tell you which is both myth and legend, but the start of a new journey.

 My name is Tristan Rosales. I am a 26 year old living in a small town located in Deerfield, Illinois. I grew up in a family of three children as the middle child. My family came from the Philippines, along with my oldest brother who now lives in North Carolina with his wife and two sons. The only children that were born in the United States were myself and my youngest sister who is a junior in high school. I've always doubted the existence of angels and demons. My faith in God is strong as Jesus taught me about morality.  

    "Wake Up!" My mom yells.

"Okay. I'm up don't have a cow." I reply.

My day starts off as any normal day. I get up, clean the bathroom, clean the kitchen, and clean the living room. Afterwards, I get ready to head to the office, but today was a different day. Today was actually my day off. I grabbed a bowl and poured myself some cereal. After two spoonfuls, I got a text from my friend James reminding me that in 1 hour, we plan on watching Star Wars in 3D. I grabbed my phone and texted him to be at my place at 10.

Right now, it's 9:15 am and I quickly chomp on my of bowl of cereal. Spoonful after spoonful, I stuff each serving into my mouth and pray that I don't choke. I rush to the bathroom and rapidly brush my teeth knowing that he will be here in a couple minutes. The toothpaste in my mouth starts to foam and I quickly gargle. Spitting the water into the sink, I put on a long sleeve shirt and blue jeans and head out of the condo. I then notice that my pants start to drop. I walk out the door of my condo and my pants start falling down. One of the old ladies outside stares and nods her head in shame. I look down and realize that I didn't put on my belt.

"Shitaki Mushrooms!" I yell out.

I head back inside and sprint towards the elevator. Pressing the third floor button I hold onto my pants hoping they don't fall down and stressfully take out my key. Swinging the door open, I rush to the closet putting on my belt. My phone rings and James calls.


"Hi, I'm here."

"Okay. I'll be down in 5 seconds."


Not waiting for the elevator to reach the third floor, I decide to take the stairs. I feel like The McKalister family from Home Alone. The scene where they are rushing to the airport because they slept in. Yes, I watch too many movies. Finally, reaching the final step, I open the door and exit  the complex. I walk over to his car and enter the passengers seat. I begin breathing heavily as though I had just ran a 5k marathon. I start to laugh and James notices. For some odd reason every time I laugh James starts to laugh.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. The question is are you okay."

"Yeah I'm fine."

James and I have been friends since grade school. We had our first real conversation in Holy Cross Church. I remember it like it was yesterday. Our dads were talking outside in the lobby as James and I started talking about Aladdin, Dennis the Menace, and Super Nintendo. I guess you can say we are like brothers. Our high school life had ups and downs, but other than that we remain really good friends. I feel that God made us good friends for a reason. The drive to Buffalo Grove Theaters took us no more than 15 to 20 minutes. Once there, we enter the theater  and we head straight to our designated theater. Luckily James bought the ticket ahead of time and all I needed to do was pay him back. The younger employee working there stopped us.

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