Chapter Seventeen

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After 10 minutes, James and I arrive at Holy Trinity as we see the church is swarming with LFA members. Just like in my dream, news reporters from ABC, NBC, WGN, CBS, and CNN swarm the church filming live TV coverage of the shootout between the LFA members and the Glenview police. Stickshift quickly pushes down on the accelerator as the bullets bounce off the windshield. Mowing down two LFA members, Stickshift puts on the breaks and parks in the front of the church. James and I unbuckle our seat belts as Stickshift swings the doors open. The cops follow us into the church as gunshots are heard inside the church. BANG! BANG! BANG! James and I dive on the ground. Every step we take is a second closer, in putting away Abaddon for good. Finally reaching the entrance of the church, we hear glass shattering to our left as Abaddon's right hand man crashes through the window. Holy Trinity has turned in a warzone as a man in a black trench coat emerges. James glances at me.

"Who is that?" James asks as I smile.

"I call him Carl X." I answer.

We see people running past us as commotion fills the lobby of Holy Trinity. Men in LFA gear begin firing at the civilians. James and I attempt to run past them, but after hearing gunshots we decide against it and dive for cover behind one of the couches. The firing stops for a minor second as one of the LFA guys inches closer to our position. STOMP! STOMP! James and I can hear the LFA guy's footsteps get closer. James and I shut our eyes as we then hear the sound of an MP5 gun lock and load. He found us. We both look up at the man dressed in black, pointing his gun right at us. I thought coming here and taking out Abaddon would make me feel like I'm someone that matters. I guess I was wrong. Up close I see the LFA man slowly pull the trigger. James and I brace ourselves. BANG! BANG! BANG! Shots then, fired out of nowhere as the man in LFA gear goes down right in front us. Coming out of the hallway James and I see men in white firing back at the LFA men. I glance at James.

"Who are they?" I ask.

James shrugs as he has no idea who they are, but I'm glad they are on our side. BANG! BANG! BANG! Watching the gun battle between the two sides was like watching an action movie in IMAX. The only difference is there's no 3D glasses to get you out of the theater. James and I take cover behind the couch covering our ears. One by one the men in LFA gear lay on the ground. A man in white then approaches us as James and I prepare ourselves.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you." He says.

"Who are you guys?" James asks.

"We are undercover angels. We knew this was going to happen, so we decided to help even the odds." He says.

As the three of us take cover, more men in LFA gear show up.

You two better find Gabriel. It's about to get really messy." He says clocking his gun.

The man gives us cover as gunfire erupts again. James and I reach the auditorium entrance as James turns the handle. On stage we see Abaddon holding a member of the congregation hostage. We then see Gabriel laid out on the ground. Abaddon pistol whips the congregation member after refusing to allow darkness into his heart. Wasting no time the two of us crawl around the auditorium and see two more LFA men guarding the stairs to the stage. Stealthily, James and I attempts to sneak past the two LFA members. James then gives me a nudge, pointing at the ceiling. Looking up, we see Yua stealthily walking across the lighting carefully and quietly. James and I then walk towards the stage with the two guards stopping us at the path pointing their MP5's.

"Hold it!" I yell putting my hands up stalling for time.

"Before you shoot us, I would like to say a prayer." James says as he kneels down and clamps his hands together as the LFA guys are about to shoot. "Dear Lord our heavenly Father......"

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