Chapter Ten

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The following day, I end up having the day off. I go about my day as usual; wake up, have breakfast, go out for walk and lastly, play basketball. Before I head out for a walk, I rush to bathroom to look at the mirror. Using my phone, I search for the scar on the back of my head finding nothing, but smooth skin. Puzzled, I search again for the scar still finding nothing. I show my mom who's about to put ointment and she is as shocked as I am. She puts the ointment back in the drawers as goes to make lunch for the day. Afterwards, I get ready and put on my walking clothes. I grab my headphones and plug them it into my phone.

"Hmm what should I listen to?" I ask myself browsing through YouTube.

Suddenly the song "Dear Younger Me" by MercyMe pops up. I begin my walk. As the song is playing I begin to reflect on my past sins and what I have to do cleanse it. I play the song in a loop finally reaching Jewett Park. I sit on the first bench I see and look at the clear blue sky. I start wondering if God truly does exist. A couple hours pass, and I get a text from James.

"Hey I'm already at the basketball court. Where are you at?" James asks.

"I'm at Jewett Park, but I'm on the way back. See you in a few." I answer.

I get up from the bench and start sprinting back. When I reach Deerfield Square my head then starts to hurt. It was like the world around me was spinning. I then get a vision of an egyptian warrior doing battle with a formidable opponent. I then snap back into reality and come back to the real world.

"What the heck just happened?" I say to myself.

Perplexed, I continue heading back to the complex. The run took me about 5 minutes as I see a young lady walking her dog. I wave to her thinking it's someone I know, but turns out it's just a young girl from high school. Reaching my complex, I see James shooting his basketball from afar at the court. Stepping on the court I realize that I had left my ball inside my condo.

"Hi." James greets me.

"Hey. I forgot my ball at my house." I say to him.

"No worries. I brought an extra one. I figured you'd leave yours inside your house, so I brought the other one just in case." He says.

"Thanks!" I exclaim with joy.

"No problemo." He says.?"

The two of us start with layups each making our shots. Then, we head towards the free throw line and go with short range shots. James makes his shots going 5 of 10 from the line. Afterwards, I step on the free throw line missing almost all my shots. James burst out laughing after I airball my last shot. I start laughing too for no reason as we continue shooting. A Korean kid enters the basketball court and begins shooting on the other side of the court. I glance at James wondering if we should ask him to play a game of 21. James nods his head in approval as I call him over.

"Hey kid, do you want to play a game of 21?" I ask.

"No!" He rudely says.

I glance at James who disappointedly shakes his head in shame. James and I decide to shoot around by where the Korean kid is. All three of us shoot our balls in simultaneously with the Korean kid's ball knocking into mine. We run to get our respective balls. Grabbing my ball the Korean kid looks at me as if he was going to throw his ball at me. He then says something in Korean, while I continue to shoot. James then hears it and walks up to him.

"Excuse me what did you say?" He asks.

"Nothing." The Korean kid answers nervously.

The Korean kid continues to shoot around and says something in Korean again. Only this time it is remark towards James. James didn't take kindly to the remark and walks up to him again. He taps the Korean kid on the shoulder after he makes his shot.

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