Chapter Eighteen

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Three weeks have passed since Abaddon's defeat as James and I are sitting in the hospital waiting to get an update on Gabriel. It's 12pm and I decide to read a Sports Illustrated magazine. Haven't read those in a long time, so why not start now? James is on his phone doing his usual stuff, reading Bible scriptures. 5 minutes pass by and one of the female nurses smiles at me. She waves me a hello as I think of a way to respond back. After a second, I get up to place the magazine back on the rack and I give her a salute. What was I thinking? A girl waves to me and I salute? I shake my head in embarrassment when, the doctor enters the waiting room.

"Your friend Gabriel is ready to see you and for some odd reason he is miraculously healed." The doctors say as James and I rise to our feet high fiving each other.

"So is he ready to go home?" James asks.

"Yeah he can go home this evening." The doctor answers.

"That's great news." I say.

James and I shake the doctor's hand and head towards Gabriel's hospital room. Walking down the hospital halls, we realized that we have no clue what Gabriel's number was. From afar James and I could hear someone reading Jeremiah 17:14.

"Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise" The voice says as I look at James.

"I'm guessing that's Gabriel's room?" I say.

"Yeah." James replies.

James and I walk up to the room seeing Gabriel closing his bible. The room was filled with gifts from members of the congregation. We could also see a security guard standing right in front of the door to Gabriel. The security guard standing by Gabriel's room sees James and I motioning us over. We walk slowly towards the room as Gabriel is laid on his bed. Arriving at the door, James notices a bouquet of flowers on top of his food tray.

"Where's your family?" I ask Gabriel.

"They had already visited early this morning. I told them two of my really good friends were coming for a visit." Gabriel answers.

"Oh." James replies.

"I know what you're going to ask me." Gabriel says as he sits up on his bed.

"How did James's face end up on the internet when I typed in God?" I guessed.

"Correct." Gabriel asks.

"Okay. I'm dying to know the answer too." James adds.

"A long time ago, the world was plunged into darkness by a dark matter brought to force by Lucifer and his Generals of darkness; Set, Chronos, Hades, Morgan Le Fay. and any mythological evil entity you can think of. Well, the Gods of Mythology weren't strong enough to suppress the darkness which caused it to spread. That's why in this world we have wars, hatred, greed, lust, and armies filled with all these things." Gabriel explains.

"So what did the The Gods of Mythology do?" I ask.

"They decided that the only way to combat the darkness is to start to create a team of people with extraordinary abilities. It's sort of like the Avengers, but with a mythological standpoint." Gabriel continues.

"Okay, but that doesn't explain why James's face ended up on the internet." I say trying to get the answer.

"The Gods of Mythology have placed me in charge and the only way to get your attention was to place a photo of you on the internet in which Jesus attained for me." Gabriel says.

"So there's more people besides me out there correct?" James asks.

"Yes. You're the first one I've found." Gabriel answers.

"So where are the others?" I ask.

"Tristan should be able to tell you." Gabriel answers the doctor arrives.

"Visiting hours are done for now." The doctor says.

Turning around we head for the door. I look at James who seems ecstatic becoming the leader of the team. I guess in order to become one you need to be a warrior of the light first and I think that's what James needs. Now that I think about it, he use to smoke weed, listen to gangster rap and to all those things in high school. Then, for him he turned things around seeing the light.

"So Tristan, what do you think of me becoming the leader of the team? I'm excited that I am one." James asks.

"I think it's pretty cool and I bet with my abilities of dreaming, we can find a lot more people." I answer.

It's already to 2pm on Friday and I stare out the window. One thing still bothered me is the dream I had of my co-worker Nathan fighting the tattooed man. I continue to stare out the window and gaze at the clear blue sky. James taps me on the shoulder as we enter the elevator. I turn to him as he has that concerned look on his face is back again. The same one he gets when something is up when his little brother starts getting grumpy.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." I answer.

We head toward the hospital exit as the same little boy from the parking lot approaches us. Filled with energy he runs around in circles trying to get James's attention. I start to burst out in laughter holding my stomach trying hard to stop. James take notice and begin laughing also. The laughing didn't stop teardrops of hilarity ensues as the kid starts doing cartwheels for no reason. I look at James as he's laying on the floor holding his stomach. After a couple minutes, the laughter stops as the boy's mother approaches us.

"I'm sorry about my son's behavior." She says to us.

"No need to worry." I reply.

"Your son is full of energy." James says.

"Yes. He's just excited about the advice you gave him." The mother joyously says,

"And what was that?" James asks.

"It was when Gabriel was being loaded onto the ambulance and you told him to pray." The mother answers.

"Oh!" James exclaims.

I take one look at the kid as he's standing on one of the sofa's in the lobby. I let out a big smile while the mother shakes James's hand. Looking at the kid reminded me of when I was his age. I remember standing up on the couches jumping up and down. I also remember standing on my bed pretending I was WWE superstar having matches with invisible opponents. I then turn around as the same exact girl from the church is standing next to me. She leans in and kisses me but, this time on my right cheek. My eyes widen as James and the mother turn to me looking confused.

"Tristan are you okay?" James asks.

"James, she was here again and kissed me!" I exclaim.

"Who?" James asks.

"The girl!" I exclaim again.

"What girl? I don't see anyone." James replies.

The boy's mother approaches James as she whispers something in his ear. I couldn't tell what she was saying, but from my standpoint she sounded really creeped out.

"I might know someone who can help with your friend's psychiatric problem." She whispers to James who becomes defensive.

"Oh no. He's not crazy!" James exclaims.

I turn around to find no one there. This has to be all in my head because the girl pops out of nowhere and kisses me. The only real question is what am I going to tell Nathan at work tomorrow? 

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