Chapter Eleven

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It's Wednesday and James picks me up from my condo complex. I get in the passenger's seat of the car buckling my seatbelt as James turn. The drive to Holy Trinity North Shore took us our usual 10 min drive; that is without construction nor traffic. We don't usually hang out on Tuesday's because James does jail service during those nights and Tuesdays are usually when we have a lot of patients at my parents dentist office. Arriving at Holy Trinity at exactly 7pm, we exit the Yaris and head towards the entrance of the church. Entering the church, everyone starts greeting us as if we're famous.

"I wonder why everyone is saying hi to us?" I ask.

"Not sure." James answers.

We go into the congregation and sit in the very front row. James and I look around as the seats start filling up. On the stage I see Gabriel setting up two chairs on the stage. I figure the other chair must be for Kirk Cousins. I've always wanted to meet and see someone famous up close. The only person I ever got to see up close was Pau Gasol; NBA All-Star. James and I wait patiently as Gabriel comes out on stage. He brings out a podium as he adjusts the mic trying to line it up with him.

"Good evening fellow members at Holy Trinity. I would like welcome all of you to this evening's interview. Our guest tonight is none other than the quarterback for the Washington Redskins Kirk Cousins." He says.

Everyone in the congregation starts clapping loudly as everyone in the congregation are hyped to see Kirk Cousins. I look around the room and everyone starts fidgeting ready to see Kirk Cousins. James can tell in Gabriel's eyes that this is now the time to bring him out. Stepping off the podium he grabs the mic and points stage right.

"Okay I can see everyone getting anxious, without further ado. I welcome Kirk Cousins!" Gabriel exclaim.

Coming out of stage right is Kirk Cousins himself! James and I stand up clapping as loud as possible. The others follow in suit as the quarterback walks up to Gabriel and shakes his hand. The clapping continues and the congregation starts stomping their feet as if Kirk Cousins was about to throw the winning touchdown.

"YOU LIKE THAT! YOU LIKE THAT!" He yells as he raises his arms motivating everyone to continue clapping.

James and I stop clapping and take our seats. The applauds begin to die down as Kirk Cousins and Gabriel sit-down for the interview. Thinking to myself I start to wonder what a guy like Kirk Cousins thinks about? Gabriel hands Kirk Cousins a mic as they sit-down. The room is silent as everyone waits for the interview to start. Gabriel then puts the mic to his mouth.

"So Mr. Cousins how long you been a member of Willow Creek?" Gabriel asks.

"Well, I've actually been a member all my life. My dad was a pastor at Willow Creek. I've come to my dad's services he's lectured until I became an adult and got drafted to the NFL." Kirk Cousins answers.

"So I also hear that you're a free a agent." Gabriel says.

"Yeah it's true..." Kirk Cousins replies.

"COME TO CHICAGO!!!" An audience member yells as James and I start giggling.

"Haha anyways, during the games you manage to stay humble. How is it that you're able to manage to do so?" Gabriel asks.

"Well it started when my dad suffered a heart attack which forced him to stop becoming a pastor. When I was in college we had a game and one of our guys was heading towards the end zone. I had seen him wide open. So I threw the ball up in the air hoping not to throw an interception." Kirk Cousin says as he looks at the crowd.

"So how did you feel?" Gabriel asks.

"Well at the time I didn't know what was going on in my head. So I calmly threw the ball up and hoped it would fall into my teammate's hands. Hoping my teammate would make the catch, I didn't want to degrade myself to be a glory hog. As the last second of the game inch closer, My teammate would catch the ball. In fact we ended up winning the game at the end." Kirk Cousins answers.

"Oh cool. Well we have a clip after one of your games and you seem to get almost out of hand." Gabriel says.

A giant white screen slowly scrolls down behind Gabriel and Kirk Cousins. Everyone in the congregation waits as the projector turns on. The tech in the back open up Youtube and find a 5 second clip of Kirk Cousins. Gabriel turns to Kirk Cousins and starts laughing. Everyone including James and I are confused at what is happening. I stare at the screen as I feel that this is going to be one funny clip.

"So Kirk I found a clip of you walking out of the locker room and you yell at the camera." Gabriel says.

The YouTube video plays and we see Kirk Cousins marching into the cameras. He has in helmet in hand and yells.


Everyone in the room bursts out in laughter. Kirk Cousins also starts laughing as everyone starts to chant his catchphrase.

"So where did this catchphrase come from?" Gabriel asks.

"Well it was during practice and it wasn't a big deal. It wasn't like a question or anything it was more like a statement when I said it. It happened right after we played Tampa and it was in the spur of the moment." Kirk Cousins answers after he smirks.

"So what do you miss about Chicago?" Gabriel asks.

"What I miss about Chicago is my family and friends. I mean I grew up here. This is the place where I was raised and nothing can ever change that." Kirk Cousins answers.

I look at the time as it is almost 8:30pm. Gabriel and Kirk Cousins then give each other a final handshake. I take out a pen anxious to run up to him and get his autograph.Kirk Cousins exits stage left as he waves to the audience. Everyone abruptly cheers as the congregation starts making noise for Kirk Cousins. Gabriel looks out towards the congregation as everyone stands up. Gabriel then looks at the crowd as he asks everyone to remain seated for a final prayer.

"I would like to end this session with a prayer. Dear Lord our Father Almighty, I thank you for the glorious night as we are able to spend it together. I also pray that we are healthy and another guest interview. In Jesus name, Amen. Also before everyone leaves, I would like to remind everyone that Kirk Cousins is outside signing autographs."Gabriel says.

Gabriel concludes the session and walks off stage. James and I get up from our seats and head towards the exit. Through the exit I can see from afar Kirk Cousins sitting at a desk with a pen in hand signing autographs. James and I look at each and nod as we pull out our pens. The line was long as a lot of people were waiting to get to front. As we wait patiently, I see a kid standing behind me holding his football. After signing at least 3 more autographs Kirk Cousins gets up from his chair and begins walking away. Most of the congregation members follow in pursuit, but are stopped by security. James and I stare at each other, feeling down and out. Gabriel walks up to us placing his hand on James shoulder.

"So did you guys get Kirk Cousins autograph?" Gabriel ask us as everyone starts heading for the door.

"No." We sadly answer.

"Well would you like to meet him? I could see you guys in the front row anxious to get is autograph." Gabriel asks.

"Yeah! We like that very much." James says to Gabriel as follow I follow in pursuit

Everyone in the room starts fanning out. Gabriel takes us behind the scenes as everyone starts fanning out. Kirk Cousin then stares at us with a smile on his face. James and I quickly stand next him as Gabriel takes a picture. I pull out my pen handing it to Kirk Cousins as he signs a football next to him. We then head towards the Yaris and I click my heels together. Tonight's interview has given me motivation to go to barnes and noble tomorrow. I figure James would want to exercise. As we're driving James turns to me as the expression on his face told it all.

"So Chris, I was thinking instead of exercising tomorrow would you like to go Barnes and Noble?" James suggests.

"My friend, you've read my mind." I reply as we drive off heading back to Deerfield.

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