Chapter Twelve

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It's Thursday late in the evening and I grab a plate of rice with corned beef; heating it up for about 2 minutes tops. As I wait, I think back to the vision I had with the Egyptian Warrior. The microwave stops and I quickly take the plate out. I grab a spoon and start scarfing the food down, while my parents are watching the Philippine news. Finishing my plate, I place the dirty dishes in the sink without washing them and run out the door like I'm late for my first day of work. It's 5:40 pm and I decide to take the stairs. Jogging I start to think about the dreams I'm having about the Egyptian warrior. After a 10 minute jog, I had finally made to Barnes and Noble as I see James's Yaris parked by the entrance. Entering the bookstore. I head up the escalator and on one of the couches I see James.

"Hey, I see you got a copy of the copy of "The Ultimate Treasure." I greet him.

"Yeah I did. You should read it. I got you a copy." James replies as he hands me the book.

"Thank you." I say back.

I sit down and open the book to the first page. Hours later, halfway through the book, my eyes slowly begin closing. I try my best to stay awake, but I doze off into a deep sleep. I then, commence dreaming as my dreamworld is black and white. I walk around the world and see a married couple at a coffee shop arguing. It gets intense as the wife continues to yell at her husband who out of nowhere slaps her with everyone watching. Next to the husband, I see a redhead woman in a red jumpsuit. She whispers something in his ear as he grabs a knife. Before, he is about to stab her I, run towards the couple trying to save the wife from getting stab.

"COFFEE SHOP!!!!" I yell as I wake up with everyone at Barnes and Noble staring at me.

"Tristan, are you okay?" James asks.

"Yeah, I am. I just had a really weird dream." I answer back puzzled.

"Do you talk in your sleep?" James asks as he starts laughing.

"No I don't. Calm down." I answer as of the managers walks up to me and motions me be silent. James looks at me feeling embarrassed and starts laughing.

"Sorry about my friend. He just didn't get enough sleep." James apologizes to the manager.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I apologize as the manager walks away.

"You okay. Do you need coffee?" James asks.

"Coffee sounds like a good idea." I say.

We head downstairs to the Starbucks that is located on the first floor. Everything seems normal at first and we stand in line to order. I look around, and see something vaguely familiar. It feels like deja vu as I see a married couple arguing near one of the tables by the bathrooms. I nudge James as he sees the arguing couple. The husband raises his hand about to slap her. James rushes to them and grabs the husband's wrist.

"Excuse me sir, whatever is going on in your marriage I suggest you solve it in a civilized manner." James says to the husband.

"Listen kid, this is a marital matters. This doesn't concern you." The says a James walks over to the wife.

James checks on the wife to see if she is okay and sits her down. Next to the husband, I see the same red jumpsuit redhead as she whispers something in his ear. The husband then starts throwing a fit as everyone in Barnes and Noble witnesses it. Whatever the redheaded told him, angers him even more.The managers see this and calls for Deerfield police. From afar, I see the husband grab a knife from the table next to him and points it at James. He charges at him with rage as James doesn't notice him.

"Wise LOOK OUT!!!!" I yell.

James turns around maneuvering himself away from the knife clenching the husband hand. The husband slowly lets go of the knife and James sits him down gently. James then stands between the couple and pulls out his Bible. He sits down and starts flipping through the book. The red jumpsuit redhead starts backing away slowly from James and the couple. Losing my place in line, I walk towards the redheaded women slowly trying to figure out where I have seen her before. My eyes widen as I recognize her from the hospital. She was the nurse that was on her walkie talkie giving James and I suspicious looks. James stops flipping through the Bible and recites 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8.

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