Chapter Four

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After what seemed like hours driving on the highway, James and I had finally made it to Wrigley Field. James parked the car on the side street as usual as we get out of the car. We started walking towards the stadium entrance where a long line was awaiting us. From our point of view the security were scanning tickets and checking bags making sure no one had a bomb. The line began moving up and we finally began to move our feet inching towards the entrance. 20 minutes go by and we had finally made it to the front of the line. I started sweating as The security guard in charge of our line stops us pulling out his metal detector. I felt like I was being searched for drug as James and I lift our arms sideways as the metal detector scans through both of us. The security guard finishes searching and motions us to go ahead. Once inside, we walk by a dumpster and I see something move on top of the lid of the dumpster.

"WHOAAA!" I yell out bumping into James as we near the dumpster.

"What are you doing?!" James yells out.

"I thought I saw a giant rat." I tell him.

"First the seat was rumbling and now a giant rat. You're one interesting guy Tristan." James sarcastically says.

Heading towards our seats, the stadium abruptly begin filling up with both Sox fans and Cubs fans for the crosstown classic. Everyone was wearing blue shirts and I was wearing my Cubs hat. Looking around the stadium James and I see at least one Sox fan sitting a row behind us. He had a black Sox cap and was wearing the white black-striped signature Sox jersey. Behind him was a guy wearing a long black coat who was dressed like someone from the matrix.

"Hey buddy you're wearing the wrong colors!" I yell at the guy.

"Well I'm just here to watch a really good baseball game." The man says.

Something about the man seemed vaguely familiar. It was as though, I knew him from somewhere but couldn't put my finger on it. James glances at the man and gets this vibe. His energy then begins to strengthen as though the man is transferring all of his powers to him. Walking up to us, the man puts out his hand.

"My name is Gabriel." He says.

"I'm James and this is my friend Tristan." James says as we both extend our hand. "Nice to meet you."

"I couldn't help but notice that you have a cross around your neck. You two must be followers of Jesus Christ." He says noticing the cross on James' necklace.

"Yeah we are." James replies.

"Same here. In fact I know him personally." He tells.

"Uhuh sure and my best friend is Santa Claus." I say in a sarcastic tone.

The game starts and the Chicago Park Choir walk onto the field. The crowd stands up and everyone with a hat places it over their hearts as the choir begins to sing the national anthem. Afterwards the game officially starts. Hours passes by as the seventh inning starts, with the score tied three to three with the Sox up at bat. Jake Arrieta strikes out Chris Sale and Adam Eaton with the White Sox getting their second out. It's the top of the seventh and Jose Abreu goes up to bat. Arrieta throws the first pitch and Abreu swings and misses.

"STRIKE ONE!" The umpire yells out.

The crowd was getting into it as the umpire threw the ball back. Arrieta waits for a good hand signal from Wilson Contreras. Arrieta then nods for a curveball pitch and winds up as Abreu swings and misses.

"STRIKE TWO!" The umpire yells out again.

The audience starts clapping and stomping their feet awaiting the strikeout. James wearing his baseball glove, gets ready to catch a homerun ball just in case it comes flying in our direction. Arrieta sees another good signal and winds up and throws a fastball pitch. Abreu clenches his bat and swings. He smashes the ball as half the stadium cheer to the top of their lungs as the balls flies towards our direction. Jorge Soler runs towards our direction desperately trying to get the fly ball. James stands on the top of his seat as the ball lands in his glove. The crowd cheers not just because of the home run, but because of the awesome catch James had made.

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