Chapter Seven

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Waiting outside the complex of my condo, I could see the Yaris pulling up as James parallel parks next to the sidewalk. James motions me to get in the car as I walk towards the passenger's seat in the front. Looking around the car I could see that everything was back to normal and Stickshift was nowhere to be found. Staring at James, I find him scrolling through his phone wondering what he was browsing through.

"So what is so urgent that it couldn't wait until Thursday?" I ask him as I yawn.

"I just remembered that there is a midnight service at Holy Trinity Ministry. So, I was thinking maybe Gabriel would be there and that way we can give him back his cross." He answers.

"Oh okay." I reply.

James starting the car, he backs out of the parking lot as we take our usual route to Holy Trinity . During the ride I thought about how I created Stickshift . I think about how I can create other Dreamers with just my pen. Thinking in my mind, I figured I will be able to do some real good especially when it comes to helping James take on whatever Adam was. James takes out the cross at a traffic light blessing the car.

"In Jesus name, I thank you for getting us home safely. I also pray Chris's friend, Andi is safe at home and finds the right guy for her. Amen." James says as he does the sign of the cross.

Minutes later, we arrive at Holy Trinity Ministry around ten in the evening. Walking towards the entrance we are greeted by numerous people. James moves his eyes and tries to look for Gabriel, but was nowhere to be found. Checking inside the congregation, he sees nothing except empty chairs. Entering the men's restroom I found an open stall and did my business. I had forgot to go before I left my condo. Washing my hands I notice there's no more toilet paper. With no choice I had to dry my hands using my shirt. Exiting the restroom and head towards the congregation James already was sitting in his seat. Walking in, I sit in the seat next to him looking around the room for Gabriel.

"Any sign of Gabriel yet?" I ask James.

"Nope." He answers.

The service is about as James and I glance around the room looking for Gabriel. Looking around the congregation people start entering and taking their seat. Yet, Gabriel is nowhere to be found. Steve Walker walks on stage as everyone begins wondering why he called for this midnight service. Fixing his earpiece he starts crying as tears run down his face. The congregation pull out their boxes of tissues as I look around the room. Neither James nor I knew why everyone was crying, but something told me it had something to do with Steven Gillen. Filling the room with silence Steven Gillen takes the stand fixing the microphone.

"Members of Holy Trinity Ministry.." He says. "I would like to inform you that I will be moving to Wisconsin as I was offered to Pastor an entire new congregation." He announces.

Our jaws dropped in shock at the announcement as we were about to walk out of the service with our head down. Before leaving the auditorium, something made us stop and return to our seats. It was as though one of the ushers had told us to sit back down.

"I would now like to introduce you though to the man who will be taking my place as lead pastor of Holy Trinity North Shore." He continues.

Instantly entering through the right side of the stage Gabriel appears, walking through the curtains. Our eyes widen as Gabriel was replacing Dan Walker as head pastor.

"Allow me to introduce Gabriel!" He yells as everyone starts clapping.

James and I never thought of Gabriel taking over Holy Trinity Church. The two of us figured that after the service, we can finally get the answers we needed. Silence fills the room as no one in the congregation flinched and everyone sat still in their seats.

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