Chapter Sixteen

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Today I decide to take James's advice and not quit. Instead, I thought of a way that I can still work there. James arrives at my complex and as he decides accompanies me to the nursing home so I can talk to my supervisor. I get into the Yaris and sit in the passenger's seat of the car of his car. I pull out my phone and open up a picture of my battle plan.

"Hey James, look at this." I say as I show him my battle plan schematic.

"What is this?" He asks with a confused look on his face.

"It's my battle plan." I answer.

James looks over the battle plan schematic and tries to make something out of it. From the looks of it, I can tell that he was about to laugh. I mean draw up a battle plan like this I'd laugh too. On the schematic, I set booby traps around Holy Trinity in the front, the back and even on the rooftops. I really hope James likes it as I can see that he has a smile on his face. Abruptly out of the blue, he bursts out in laughter. I glance at him wondering why he is laughing.

"James are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah. I'm looking at your schematic and liking the schematic." James answers.

"So what do you think of it?" I ask.

"I like it, but why don't we just lure him to the church and then use Gabriel's last amount of power to vanquish Abbadon. " He says.

"That could work too, but we don't know how powerful the demon is." I reply.

" We have to at least try. Then for the right hand man, we stick one of your Dreamers to battle him. That way we can separate them." He suggest.

"I guess." I agree.

I pull out my phone and look at the schematic. I thought hard about it and decide to delete it off my phone. Thinking back to the battle plan, I realize that those booby traps only happens in the "Home Alone" movies. I mean paint buckets tied to a rope, Christmas ornaments, and using a fire extinguisher isn't going to help us get rid of a demon. So I guess James does have a point. After 10 minutes, I didn't we have arrive at the nursing home. James parks in the parking lot and we get out of the Yaris. Walking towards the entrance we are greeted by a bunch of residents as we wave and shake hands. Reaching the entrance, the secretary lets us in and we head towards the kitchen.

"Hey Chris!" My co-worker says.

"Waddup boy!" Another one says.

"Hey guys." I say back as I enter the supervisor's office.

"Hi Marissa." I say to her.

"Oh Tristan how are you?!" She says with enthusiasm.

"I'm good. Can ask you something?" I ask.

"Sure!" She answers.

"I was wondering if I can solely work weekends because I just found out from my mom that she needs me working in our dental office Mondays thru Fridays." I tell her.

"Oh yes, sure, but can you start next week?." She asks.

"I really can't because she says she needs me this week." I say to her.

"Okay. Let me just revise the schedule." She replies as she grabs the current schedule and places it in her bag.

"Thank you!" I tell her with joy.

I exit her office as James sees me moonwalking out of my supervisor's office. I then start swaying my hips back and forth as my co workers witness this, thinking to themselves what this person is doing. James glances at my co workers trying to hide the fact he knows me. James and I exit the kitchen and head towards the front lobby as I continue dance around with joy. James then stares through the window and stops with eyes in shock.

"Um Tristan." He says in a frightened voice.

"Not now James, I'm still trying to sink everything in." I tell him continuing to dance.

"Tristan." James call my name again.

"What?" I ask him with concern.

He then grabs my head and turns it towards the window. I then stop for a moment as I see Abaddon and his right hand man arrive at the nursing home. James and I then slowly walk backwards and head back towards the kitchen. James and I begin breathing heavily as my co- workers are looking at us as though we were being chased by members of the cartel. I peek out the hallway to see if the two demons have entered the nursing home, but nothing. I then, glance at James who already has made his way to the backdoor of the kitchen. I peek out again hoping Abaddon isn't outside but, I was wrong. Abaddon's right hand man sees me and points Abaddon in my direction. I quickly dive across the floor of the kitchen. James sees this and opens the backdoor waiting for me. I get back up and sprint across the kitchen as Abaddon and his right man are in hot pursuit. As we exit the kitchen as we try to look for an exit but, can't find any. Finding an open courtyard we barge through it doors looking for an escape route.

"We're trapped." I tell James.

"There's one way we can escape." James says as he points to the fence barricaded all around the courtyard.

Abaddon and his right hand man enter the courtyard as the residents don't know what is going on right now. They think this is some sort of play that the nurses are putting on, but this no play. This is reality. Abaddon smirks as he knows he has us trapped. He puts out his hand, as a ball of flame appears. James and I see this, but don't believe it. The residents begin clapping thinking Abaddon is some hired magician putting on a magic trick. Abaddon then, winds up ready to throw the fireball at us. James and I quickly hop towards the fence and latch onto it. The two of us start climbing trying anxiously to escape. BOOM! Abaddon throws the fireball at the fence almost hitting us. Abaddon gets ready to throw another fireball. Seeing this, James shoves me off the fence as he jumps of it. Luckily we both land on our feet. BOOM! The fireball burns the tip of the fence.

"We have to get to Holy Trinity to end this once and for all." James says.

I nod and we run towards the parking lot. Abaddon and his right hand man hop over the courtyard fence with no sweat. Everyone in the nursing home especially the nurses stare in shock as Abaddon and his right man walk towards the highway authoritatively. We enter the car as Stickshift emerges locking the doors quickly.

"You guys okay?" He asks.

"We have to get to Holy Trinity pronto." James says breathing heavily as though as he just ran a marathon.

"Okay, I'm on it." Stickshift replies skidding out of the nursing home.

I pull out my phone gasping after every breath I take. James looks at me curiously as I scroll through my phone. I tap my phone once and place it against my ear.

"Come on pick up." I say to myself.

"Who are you calling?" James asks.

"Gabriel." I answer.

No answer, as the phone goes straight to voicemail. I glance at James and angrily place my phone back into my pocket. James glances at me looking worried as he continues to drive.

"I think he's doing a Tuesday morning service. We might have to just show up there." James suggests.

"Yeah. Let's hope we get there before Abaddon and his sidekick does." I say back.

Stickshift zooms out of the nursing home as quickly as possible. During the drive I quickly think of a Dreamer strong enough to take on Abaddon's sidekick. I glance at James who stares at the road ahead as we prepare for the battle to come. 

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