Just a Nice Walk

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It was a nice day, there was just enough cloud cover to make it not too hot, but not cold either.  It was just a perfect day.  Gerard had gone over to Franks house for the day, and they had been sitting around inside reading comics and playing video games.  Frank was reading some random comic when he got the idea to enjoy the fresh air.  "Hey Gee its a beautiful day want to go on a walk?"  "Um sure."  The thing is though, Gerard was a little hesitant.  He had had to pee for the past 2 hours but was too scared to tell Frank.  He didnt like it when people knew of his desperation, or when they knew he had to go to the bathroom.  It always embarrassed him.  And Frank well, he had been his crush since a year ago when him, Frank, and a few other guys started a band together.  So it made it all the  more embarrassing to tell him.  Gerard knew better though, he could hold it.  Frank walked out onto his front porch and waited patiently for Gerard.  He grabbed a water bottle in case he got thirsty, and continued waiting for Gerard to get his shoes on and come out. After about a minte Gerard came out with is worn out black converses on. "Ready?" Frank asked happily. "Y-yea im ready." Frank wlked down off the porch and grabbed Gerards hand. They had been walking and holding hands for about 15 minutes now, and Gerards small annoyance in his abdomen had become a dull ache. Frank tripped and then got up and knelt down to tie his shoe. Gerard took this opportunity to back up and cross his legs and shift his weight from foot to foot.  He stopped suddenly when Frank got up.  Which made his bladder do a somersault.  he started rubbing his thighs together tightly when he walked.  Frank didnt seem to notice, thankfully.  About five mintes later Gees need had grown, and Frank was thirsty.  He took out his water bottle and sloshed it around before taking a drink.  This only made Gerard and his aching bladder more tense.  He wiggled around a little and bent his knees inward.  His face became flushed at this point and Frank took notice.  "Gee you want some water you look like you need it."  "Ugh n n no thank you."  "Gerard you need it!"  "F-fine."  Gerard reluctantly took the water and took a drink.  It shot straight own and he felt his bladder spasm causing him to bend at the waist and bend his knees in.  "Ugh Gerard you okay?"  "Y-yea just went down the wrong pipe."  They kept walking till they were about 30 minutes away from Franks house and an hour away from Gerards at normal walking speed.  Gerard was walking while his legs started shaking a little.  Frank was still holding his hand and looking at everything, when Gerards bladder did another spasm causing a small leak to start.  He let out a squeak and shit his free hand down to his crotch and bent his knees in.  "F-Frank i need the toilet now!!!"  His face turned bright red and his eyes were fighting back tears,  because of the pain.  "Why didnt you tell me earlier!?! Or go before you left!"  "I -i i i jjust im sorry f-frank i just i."  "Ugh look its okay come on well get you home."  Gerard kept his hand on his throbbing dick, and Frank held his other hand.  It had been about 5 minutes walking home and Gerard was now letting out small wimpers.  "Dont worry Gee well be home soon you are going to make it."  15 more minutes later Gerard felt another leak causing him to shriek and bring his other hand to his crotch.  "I i i  i leaked!" He squealed through gritted teeth.  "Its okay Gee come on well get you back to my house."  Gerard was whining and squirming painfully with one hand on his crotch, stopping every few minutes to cross his legs.  They were finally outside Franks house on the porch, when Gerard broke into a full on pee dance.  He was frantically squirming around and almost crying.  Frank couldnt get the door open he tried over and over again but he couldnt get it unlocked.  A loud hissing noise broke the silence followed by short cries and wimpers.  Frank turned around to see Gerard pulling at his hair with one hand and covering his face with the other.  His jeans had a huge growing stain on them and a puddle forming around his feet.  He peed for 5 straight minutes!  Frank just watched until Gerard was done.  Gee looked up and saw Frank and blushed furiously.  He started crying and grabbing his hair.  Frank hugged him and led him inside to get a new pair of pants.  

Gerard came out of Franks bedroom in a pair of clean jeans.  He was still crying and sat on the couch,throwing his head in his hands.  Frank sat down next to him and hugged him.  "Gee hey gee its okay it was just an accident."  "N-no its n not o fucking kay."  "Yes it is here ill show you just how okay it is."  Without warning Frank Pulled Gerards face up to his and kissed him.  Gerard was very surprised and didnt know what to do.  When Frank pulled off Gerard just stared wide eyed  at him.  "I i you k-kissed me."  "I did."  Gerard was calmed down and Frank put on a movie and relaxed


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