Going to YorkNew

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Your P.O.V.

  I was sitting next to Neon in the car. I usually don't make friends with girls, but I like Neon. Sure she's kind of weird, but I like weird and she's also really fun to be around.

  "Y/N, I'm really curious. Who trained you to be as strong as you are now?" Neon asked me. I know I shouldn't tell her who trained me, but she's my boss, she deserves to know. "I really hope you don't hate me or think I'm a killer after I tell you this." I said to her. "I'm sure I won't. I trust you." She said. "Okay if your sure you want to know. The Zoldyck family." I said and her eyes widened. "As in the famous family of assassins, Zoldyck's?" She asked. "Yeah, you see when my family was killed, they took me in. Sure they were nice and trained me, but I ran away because they only wanted me for power." I said with my head down. "I'm sorry about your family, Y/N." Neon said giving me a hug. "No, no, don't feel sorry for me. It's been five years I need to get over it." I said. "You shouldn't have to get over that. It was your family and they were killed. If you loved them, you're never going to get over it." She said. "Thanks Neon." I said.


  We have arrived in YorkNew. It's so big, with big buildings. I've never seen anything like it. "You've never been to a big city, have you?" Kurapika asked. "Nope, never." I said. "Don't be mad at me, but I told Neon who trained me." I said. "What!" Kurapika said a little shocked. "Well she asked and she's my boss so she deserves to know." I said. "You're right. Did you tell her why we took the job?" He asked. "Now that's different. If she asks why I took this job, I'll lie. So, no, I didn't tell her." I said. "Okay, I should've known you wouldn't break our promise." He said. "Of course I wouldn't break the promise. I always keep promises. No matter if it's a promise to give my life in exchange for something." I said. "You and Gon are so alike." He said. "Oh my goodness. I need to call Gon and Killua." I said and my phone started ringing. I answered it.

"Hello". 'Hey Y/N'. "Ah, Gon. Are you alright?". 'Yeah I'm fine. How are you?'. "Fine". 'Well we're in YorkNew. I was wondering if we could meet up. Are you with Kurapika?'. "Gon, I don't know if we can get out of work. I can definitely ask, though. I doubt both of us could get out at the same time". 'Okay, well we'd appreciate it if you'd ask'. "Okay. Well I'll call you when I get an answer. Bye". 'Bye'.

We had got into the hotel. I suppose now would be a good time to ask if I could leave to meet up with someone. "Neon!" I yelled. "Yes, Y/N?" She said. "Well. I was wondering if maybe I could go meet up with some old friends of mine. You see I haven't seen them in six months and I just really want to see them. They were my first friends ever. Also Kurapika, too." I said. "Well. I can only allow one person out. My father would get onto me if I wasn't well protected. You are welcome to go." She said. "Okay thank you Neon. Please be careful. I won't be gone but for maybe two hours." I said and she nodded.

"Kurapika, I got permission for me to go and meet up with Gon. I tried to get permission for you, too, but Neon said that her father wants her well protected and would only let me out." I said looking at Kurapika. "That's okay, tell them I said hi though." He said. "Sure will." I said and kissed his cheek.

I decided to call Gon now and tell him I was able to go. 'Hello'. "Gon, my boss said I could go and meet up with you, but I can't take longer than two hours." 'Okay, well I'm with Leorio and Killua. Was Kurapika able to come?'. "No. Our boss would only allow one of us out". 'Okay, see you soon. Bye'. "Bye".

I had arrived at the place where Gon said they were staying at and I knocked on the door. "Hey Y/N." Gon said and gave me a hug. "Hey Gon. It's so good to see you again." I said and hugged him back. "Y/N!" Leorio screamed. "Hey Leorio" I said and I saw Killua appear behind him. "Hey Killua." I said smiling. I gave Leorio and Killua a hug and sat down. "How long can you stay with us. "Well I had two hours. I spent 30 minutes getting over here and it will take 30 minutes to get back. So I have an hour, then I have to get back to work." I said. "Where do you even work?" Killua asked. "Kurapika and I work as bodyguards for the Nostrade family." I said. "Oh, okay." They said. "What have you guys done since the last time I saw you?" I asked. "Well we learned Nen" Killua said. "I gave Hisoka his tag back." Gon said. "And I've been studying to become a doctor." Leorio said. "What do you plan on doing in YorkNew?" I asked. "We are trying to get money so I can buy Greed Island." Gon said. "Why do you wish to buy that game? I heard it's very hard to beat." I asked. "Well I think it has a clue as to where my dad is." Gon said. "Why are you in YorkNew?" Leorio asked. "Well Miss Neon likes to collect body parts, so she is going to be attending the auction." I said.

My phone started to ring, and saw it was Kurapika. "Kurapika, Is something wrong?". 'Three other body guards were killed'. "Is Neon okay!?!?". 'Yeah, She's fine. The auction was robbed. And everyone there was killed and seemed to have disappeared'. "Alright I'm coming back. You can tell me everything else when I get there. Bye". 'Bye'

"Alright. Got to cut our meet up short. There's an emergency at work. Three bodyguards were killed." I said. "Oh I'm sorry. I hope everything is okay." Leorio said. "I hope everything's okay, too. At least Miss Neon is okay." I said looking down. "Bye guys. I'm sure we'll see each other again before we leave YorkNew." I said and left. I hope whoever killed everybody isn't who I think it is. I want revenge, but don't want to see them at the same time.


A/N- So yeah. I didn't switch P.O.V.'s in this chapter. I didn't think it would be good if I did. Hope you guys enjoyed. Byee💙💙


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