Chapter 9

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Kurapika's P.O.V.

  Y/N had gotten her arm bandaged from where she got shot. "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked her. "As I said before, I'm fine." She said. "Okay, I trust you." I said. "Hmm." She hummed in response.


Your P.O.V.

Kurapika had to go because Mr. Nostrade had called him back. I insisted on staying and to keep patrolling the area. Kurapika had blabbed on and on about being safe and keeping your guard up. Honestly I wasn't listening to half of it because I already knew what he was going to say. I already know that the Phantom Troupe are dangerous people and I need to stay alert. He doesn't have to tell me 4 times a day.

I had been walking around for a while now and still haven't found anything. I walked into a room and I definitely found something. 'Chrollo' I thought. I can tell he knows I'm here. "It's nice to see you again, Y/N." He said. "What do you mean? I didn't see you once when the Troupe caught me." I said. "I'm not talking about that. I haven't seen you since you were a small child." He said. I tilted my head in confusion. Then I remembered what that woman said at The Hunter Exams 'Your real father left you and joined the Phantom Troupe..... He was one of the very people who killed your clan.' I kept hearing her voice. "Oh, I see now." I said.

"Would you like to know anything about your father?" He asked. "Is he dead?" I asked. "Yes, he is." He said. "Okay, did he look like me?" I asked. "Yes, he looked a lot like you. He had your eye color and your hair color as well." He said. "What was he like?" I asked. "He was a ruthless killer. It was like he had no heart at all. In fact he killed your mother and your brother himself. He killed his own family." Chrollo said. "Oh, he killed his own family. Then he should have known I wasn't there. He didn't even search for me. He spared me. Ever since I found out about him, I've been very curious as to what he was like. Even if he wasn't already dead, I would have killed him for what he's done. And I would very much like to kill you as well, but I'm not stupid enough to take you on while injured." I said. "You're just like your father, smart." He said. "Never say I'm like him ever again!" I yelled. "I will never do anything like what you people did to innocent people who did absolutely nothing to deserve what happened to them. My mother and my brother were killed by you, all of my friends were killed by you, my friend's family and friends were killed by you and I'm sure you have killed 20 times as many people as I just mentioned. You are all horrible people who have committed crimes that could never be forgiven!" I screamed. "Calm down. I can understand your hatred. Your family was murdered. It must have been heartbreaking." He said. "More than you can ever know." I said now crying. "Don't cry. That's not good at all." He said. "Yeah, whatever." I said and walked out of the room with tears streaming down my face.

I had made it back to where neon was. "Why have you been crying?" Kurapika asked grabbing my arm. "Leave me alone. Just let me think for a little bit." I said pulling my arm out of his grasp. "Okay." He said.


I was sitting with Neon. We were back at the hotel now. "Y/N, why do you look so sad?" Neon asked. "Oh, really it's nothing Neon." I said. "Y/N, I'm worried about you. You've looked sad ever since we got back from the auction. Did something happen there?" Neon asked. "Really Neon, do not worry about it. It's really nothing, I'm just overreacting." I lied. I don't like lying to Neon, but I don't want her to worry. "Are you sure? You don't overreact about anything. Even in situations where you should act like this, you don't. Something is wrong and I'll keep bugging you about it until you tell me." She said. "Neon please don't. It's personal and I don't want to talk about it." I said. "You should have said that in the first place. I'm not going to pry something out of you that's personal." She said. "Thank you, Neon. You are a very kind person and I do not wish to put my issues on you. You're a very good friend." I said putting on a fake smile. I can't smile right now, no matter how much I want to. My happiness is fake.

I've been avoiding Kurapika because I don't want to talk to him about this. I feel bad for avoiding him, but I just can't look him in the eye right now. Not after what Chrollo told me about my father. 'A ruthless killer who killed his own family' His words kept ringing in my head.

I was walking around the hotel, only to see the person I was avoiding. I walked past him with my head down. He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. "Why have you been avoiding me?" He asked. "I don't want to talk about it." I said. "It doesn't matter if you don't want to talk about it. I need to know. It's worrying me, Neon too, I overheard your conversation, or at least the part about her being worried." He said. "He told me about my father." I said quietly with my head down. He lifted my head up to look at him. "Who told you about your father?" He asked. "Chrollo." I said. "Did he hurt you?!" He half yelled. "Quiet down. No, he didn't. We just talked and he told me about my father. And the reason I've been avoiding you is because I couldn't face you, I couldn't look you in the eye after what he told me." I said and a tear ran down my cheek. Kurapika wiped it away with his finger. "What did he tell you?" He said. "He said my father was the one who killed my mom and brother and it's been bothering me because I can't figure out why he spared me." I said. "How do you know he spared you?" He asked. "Well, if he killed my mom and brother, he knew about me, what I looked like. Why didn't he search for me and kill me?" I said. "Don't push yourself about this. It's not your fault just don't think about it." He said and kissed me on the forehead. "Okay, thank you." I said and wrapped my arms around him. He put his arms around my waist and held me tight. "Nothing will happen to you, ever, as long as I'm here." He said.


A/N- Hello my lovelies. I got a chapter up for you. School is coming up and my schedule for updating will be all jacked up. I will probably only update on weekends and every chance that I get to write. I won't forget about you lovelies though. Hope you enjoyed. Byee💙💙


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