Chapter 7

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Your P.O.V.

  Neon's father, Light Nostrade, had asked myself and Kurapika to join professional assassins to help catch the Phantom Troupe. The group of assassins have been formed by the Ten Dons. Light said that he wanted me and Kurapika to join the hit men to help put an end to the Phantom Troupe.

  A group of assassins. He wants me to join a group of assassins. I suppose it's okay since its for a good reason. So I agreed to it.


  We had just walked into a room where all of the other people hired to help were at. As figured, I'm the only girl there. I wasn't wearing my bandana either because I don't care anymore. Everyone looked at me. I just rolled my eyes. "A girl, you brought a girl to help take down the troupe." A fat little guy said to Mr. Nostrade. I just gave him a death glare. "I happen to be well trained in the art of killing. So if you don't shut your mouth, I'd be happy to demonstrate those techniques on you." I said in an annoyed tone. "Y/N, stop it." Mr. Nostrade said. "Yes sir." I replied.

  I looked around the room and spotted two familiar faces, Silva and Zeno Zoldyck. My eyes widened. I figured they would be hired for a type of job like this. After all they did hire assassins and those two are by far the most impressive assassins I've ever seen. "I still can't believe you brought a girl here." The fat man said. I think his name is Zenji.( is that it? Let me know in the comments if I'm wrong and I'll change it). My vision turned purple. I was mad. "Dang it" I muttered under my breath. "What?" Kurapika whispered to me. "My eyes." I said and looked down. "Just try to calm down" he said. "Okay. I'll try." I said. I took multiple breaths and my vision finally went back to normal.

  Everyone there was discussing how they will communicate with each other. Of course, just as I figured, Silva and Zeno were going out on there own. A guy turned around and looked at Kurapika. "What about you?" He asked him. "Shaky teamwork will only cause confusion. I'll work alone." He said. "And you?" He said looking at me. "I'll work alone as well. I don't trust people easily and I don't work well with other people. So if I work in a group, I will only get in people's way and cause more casualties than needed." I said with no emotion. "You've got a lot of spunk for a girl." He said. "And you've got a big mouth." I retaliated. "I can see why you don't work well in groups." He said and turned around.

Kurapika's P.O.V.

  I could tell Y/N was on edge. Probably because Silva and Zeno are here. She's probably worried they'll take her back. I doubt they will, Y/N had said that she can stand Silva and Zeno the most and has the best relationship with them. She said it's Kikyou that bothers her the most.

  I don't like that Zenji guy, he gives me a bad feeling. I look over and I see him grab Mr. Nostrade's collar. I went up to him and held a knife up to his neck. "Kurapika, that's enough." Mr. Nostrade said. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and it was  Y/N. "Calm down. It was an empty threat. Nothing you should get mad about. He's weak and can do nothing to Mr. Nostrade." She said. "Oi brat. Could a weak person do this." He said and punched her in the nose. "Wow. That pinched a bit." She said and threw a punch of her own sending him flying. "When you can do that to me, I'll take back my comment about you being weak." She said and turned away.

  "Why are you so mad at everything?" I asked her. "No reason. I just get a bad feeling about that guy." She said.


  Mr. Nostrade, Y/N, and I were sitting in a car when I received a phone call.

  "Hello". 'Kurapika it's terrible! The boss ran away!' It was Melody. My eyes widened. 'She changed clothes in the washroom, so she must've planned ahead'. "Then I can guess where she's going. Return to the hotel and stand by". I said and after that I hung up.

  "What's wrong?" Mr. Nostrade asked lighting a cigar. "Your daughter's run away." I said. "What?!" He yelled coughing. Y/N just sat there. She knew where she was going, but I could see the worry in her eyes. "I imagine we have the same destination." She said. "The auction?" Mr. Nostrade said more as a question than a statement. He tried to call Neon, but she had turned off her phone. "Neon doesn't have a pass... She'll be turned away at the gate." He said calling a police officer to tell them Neon's description. The officer said that a girl matching that description came up, not realizing she needed a pass and got in a taxi and left. "That's not what happened." Y/N said. "What do you mean?" I asked her. "Don't freak out because this could mean that Neon is in huge danger, but I doubt they will do anything to her." She said. Me and Light just motioned for her to continue. "A member of the Phantom Troupe, Shalnark, can control people and tell them what to say, therefore controlling the officer you just spoke to. Neon would have found a way to get in. She wouldn't give up that easily. I imagine that she's with a member of the Troupe, probably the leader, Chrollo. Although I could be wrong, I highly doubt that I am. They'll do anything to get to Kurapika, but will probably not harm Neon, they're merely using her as a hostage to draw in Kurapika, so they can kill him in a slow and painful way." She said and my eyes widened at how much she knew.

  "How do you know all of this?" Light asked. "When I was with the Phantom Troupe, I don't think they planned on me escaping so they openly said what they planned, although I didn't know they were planning on attacking the second auction. But they talked on and on about how they wanted to kill Kurapika. Honestly it was extremely tiring listening to it. They were just going to get it over with and kill him, but then they decided they wanted to slowly torture him and then kill him." She said to Light and my eyes widened. "And you didn't bother to tell me this!" I said in a somewhat angry voice. "I figured you would've figured out that they were going to kill you after you killed Uvogin. Plus I didn't think you would've wanted know how they wanted to kill you. It's not important." She said. "Of course it's important. I could prevent it from happening!" I said now mad. "Okay fine! Next time I'll be sure to tell you how you're going to die!" She yelled and put her head down. I could see tears running down her cheeks.

  "Y/N, I-" I started. "Shut up. We'll talk later. We have more important things to worry about." She said. I could tell she was mad and hurt at what I said. I'm doing exactly what I promised not to do, pushing people I care about and people who care about me to the side. 'I'm sorry, Y/N.' I said in my head.


  A/N- Hey my lovelies. I got another chapter out for you. My writer's block went away. Plus Drama! Oooh, anyways hope you lovelies enjoyed. Oh, and by the way, please comment and tell me what you think I could do to make the story better. I'm always open to suggestions. Love you lovelies. Byee💙💙


Our Eyes~Kurapika X Reader/OC(Sequel to Try Me! Kurapika X Reader/OC{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now