Chapter 6

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Your P.O.V.

  It has been 2 days since I've been here with the phantom troupe. I don't really mind being here that much. Don't get me wrong I miss Kurapika terribly, but at least they don't treat me like an object instead of a person, they actually treat me quite nicely. I really want to go home, though.

  Later on in the day that's when I saw two very familiar faces walk into the base with a bunch of the Troupe members behind them. I assume they got caught as I did. It was Gon and Killua. I stood up and walked into view. Killua looked up and his eyes widened at the sight of me. "Y/N, why are you here?" He asked. I mentally face palmed. He shouldn't have told them he knew me. 'Why are you so stupid sometimes, Killua' you thought. "No particular reason." You lied, not wanting to tell him the exact reason. "Yeah, okay. Maybe you'll tell me later." He said and now Gon was looking at me and I could see the look of confusion on his face. "Hey Gon. Are you okay? You look super confused." I asked. "I am super confused. I don't know why you'd be here, considering how much you hate the Phantom Troupe." He said.

  "You three know each other?" Pokunoda asked. "Yeah." I said. "Well since you won't let me near you, because I assume you know my ability. Maybe these two can give me some answers." She said. "They don't know the chain user!" You somewhat yelled. "What? But you said you know each other?" She asked kind of confused. "Just because I know them, doesn't mean that they know who he is" I said. "Okay, I suppose you're right. I already checked the silver-haired one and he was clean." She said. "Okay" I said.

  After a while of Nobunaga talking to Gon. He said that he knew Uvogin the best of all of the Troupe members and it was the chain user's fault he was dead. After he said that your eyes widened. "U-Uvogin was killed?" You asked. "Yeah, I thought you would've figured that out by now since he's not back." He stated. "I haven't really been paying attention." You said. "You know the chain user, right?" He asked. "Yes"I said. "Did you feed him information to kill Uvogin?!" He screamed. "I had one call with him, and you listened to the whole thing!" I yelled. "Okay, okay. I believe you." He said. "Even though he answered my wishes." You muttered under your breath, but I think he heard it. "You wanted Uvogin dead!" He screamed. "Yes, but he would probably still be alive if it wasn't for his big ego!" You retaliated. A few arguments later, a bunch of the other Troupe members had left and now I'm sitting in a room with Gon and Killua with Nobunaga blocking the door.

  After a while of sitting in a room with Nobunaga, we had all busted out and were now running. I had went back to the place where Gon and Killua were staying with them. "I'm going to call Kurapika now." I said to them. "Okay" they said.

*ring *ring *ring *ring 'Hello'. "Hey Kurapika". 'Y/N! Are you okay?'. "I'm fine. I'm with Gon, Killua, and Leorio". 'Do I need to come and get you?'. "If it's no trouble and it's okay with miss Neon. If you can't I can just come back tomorrow". 'I'll ask Neon and text you when I get an answer'. "Okay. Bye". 'Bye'

(A/N- okay so when it says a name and has this ( : ) then that means that's the person who's texting, just for future reference.)

Kurapika: Neon said I could come and pick you up. Can I get an address?

You: okay. (Insert address here). See you soon.

Kurapika: okay, I'll be there in a little while.

  "Kurapika is coming to pick me up." You told them. "Okay. That's great. I didn't know if I could deal with you all night." Killua said. "You little brat!" You said and tackled him. "I was just kidding! Stop it!" He yelled. "Okay." You said and got off of him.

  About ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Gon opened it. "Kurapika!" He yelled and I turned around and he was hugging him. I giggled a bit. "Hey Gon." He said and smiled. I stood up and walked over to the door. Killua and Leorio greeted him and he said hey back to them.

   "You ready to go." Kurapika asked me. "Yeah." You said and you both walked out the door saying bye to Gon, Killua, and Leorio.

  You were both sitting in the car in awkward silence. "Why did you do it?" Kurapika asked breaking he silence. "Do what?" I said. "Go with the Phantom Troupe." He said. "They threatened to kill you and I had no other choice." I said with tears in my eyes. "Please don't cry. It's not your fault." He said. "Yes it is my fault. I could've at least tried to stop them." I said now with tears streaming down my face. Kurapika pulled the car over and wrapped his arms around me. "Please don't cry and don't say that this is your fault because it's not. I should've been there to help you." He said stroking my head. "O-okay. I heard you killed Uvogin." I said. "Yeah, I did." He said. "Good, because if not, the fight I got into with Nobunaga would've been for nothing." I said laughing a bit. "You got into a fight?" He said. "Not a physical fight. A verbal one. He screamed at me a few times because he thought I was feeding you information." I said to him. "Oh" he said.

  We had finally gotten back to the Nostrade house. As soon as I walked in the door Neon ran up to me. "Y/N, where have you been?!" Neon screamed. "Don't worry about where I was. I'm back that's all that matters, right?" I said. "Yeah, I guess so" she said. I just smiled at her. I was happy to be back.


  A/N- Hey my lovelies, hope your day has been great. If not, I hope reading this will cheer you up. Love you, lovelies. Byee💙💙


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