Chapter 8

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Your P.O.V.

  I was really hurt by what Kurapika said. He got mad at me, why? I was just trying to help, I didn't want him to know that they wanted to kill him so badly that they would do anything to get to him. I'm crying and I can't stop. I don't want to cry, it makes me look weak.

  We had arrived at the site of the auction. We were told Neon was in a room and currently unconscious. I knew it, they want to get us to come closer. I wonder if they know we were hired by the Ten Dons.

  "She shouldn't have been able to get through without a pass. How did she get in?" Light said. "I do believe, sir, that someone with a pass to get in was with her and she came in with them. As I said before, it was probably a member of the Troupe." I said as we continued walking. I haven't looked at Kurapika since the car ride here.

  We had gotten to the room Neon was in, and as said she is unconscious. Kurapika got on a computer. "Your daughter's picture is on the Hunter Website." He said. "What?" Light said. "Most likely someone found her picture on the site, approached her, and then brought her here." Kurapika concluded. "I'll find that person and kill him!" Light said. If only he knew how powerful those people actually were. I underestimated them myself, and I now know I shouldn't have done that. "Please remain calm, sir. Neon is fine and only one injury." I said. "Injury, where?" Light said. "There is a faint injury on her stomach, only some people could see it." I said. "Capturing her was not their objective." I said. "She's right, she may have been a hostage if they couldn't infiltrate the building." Kurapika said. "I called Melody and Basho. It's dangerous here. They should arrive soon." Kurapika concluded. "Can I trust them?" Light asked. "You should go with them." He said. "But the auction..." Light said. "There won't be one. This place will become a battlefield. The auction will be postponed again." Kurapika said. "He's right, sir. There is no doubt there will be a battle between someone. Most likely causing many deaths. It wouldn't be safe for you and Neon." I said. 'I can't believe my own father could even be associated with the Troupe.' I thought looking down.

Kurapika's P.O.V.

  "Boss" I said. "Don't move an inch away from Neon until the ambulance gets here." Light said. "But our assignment is to kill the Phantom Troupe." I said. "At the time, I thought Neon would already be home, but instead she's unconscious here exposed to the Troupe." Light said. "I must absolutely ensure Neon's safety. Stay here for the time being. I'm begging you." Light said. "Understood." I said. "Mhmm" Y/N hummed.

  A bunch of people came up to the door. I assume it was the paramedics, but you never know. "Please allow me to check you all." I said stopping them. "What's that?!" The man in the front of the group said. "I don't believe that your members of the Phantom Troupe, but you could be associated with them." Y/N said walking up behind me. "And what's a pretty lady like yourself doing here." The man said and my eyes twitched. "That is none of your concern." She said and rolled her eyes.

  The paramedics are now checking on Neon. "You two were hired by the Ten Dons to be assassins. So stop hiding in here and go fight. Or did you get scared when the Troupe showed up?" A man said to me and Y/N. "Oh actually, I requested that they stay here. I understand they've been hired by the Ten Dons, but I was worried about my daughter." Light said. "I don't intend to sell you out, but you're being paid well, so I expect you to do your job." Said the man. Mr. Nostrade laughed. "I agree that I must do something." I said."I could at least patrol this building." I concluded. "I concur." Y/N said with a blank expression. She's still mad at me. "Yes, I suppose, but you must come immediately if I call." Light said. "My daughter's safety comes first." He said. "Understood." Y/N and I said in unison.

  Y/N and I were walking in complete silence, Other than the people who were mad or scared about the auction. "Y/N, I'm sorry" I said. "There's nothing to be sorry for." She said.        "B-but, I yelled and got mad at you for no reason." I said. "No, you didn't do it for no reason. You were right, I should've told you. You could've prevented it. I'm sorry." She said. I grabbed her hand. "Stop it. You don't need to apologize. I was pushing people that I care to the side in seek of revenge. Something that I promised you I wouldn't do." I said with tears in my eyes. Then she did something I didn't expect her to do, she smiled and hugged me. "Thank you." She said. "Now we have to go patrol the building. No messing around." She said still smiling. "Agreed."

  Every person here is a leader of a gang and are endangering themselves to prove that they aren't afraid of the Troupe. 'It's becoming chaotic here, the auctioneers and handlers will lose control of the situation very soon.' I thought to myself. My phone started buzzing. I answered it.

  "Hello". 'Oh Kurapika'. "Huh?". 'Whew, we finally got a hold of you'. "Is this Gon?". Y/N looked at me when I said that. 'Yep. Can you talk right now?'. "Uh, sorry, I'm in the middle of something. I'll call you back". 'Wait! Can you give me one minute? I have something to tell you. Killua and I ran into the Troupe.' I gasped. 'Actually they captured us'. "What were you guys thinking? Do you realize how dangerous they are?". 'I thought I knew, but after we met them, it became painfully clear. They're strong. Right now, we have no chance against them. That's why we need your assistance. We want to help'. Killua was now speaking. "That is ridiculous. I won't help you get yourselves killed". 'Do you want to know where their base is?'. "I have my own sources of information". 'Do you know all of their powers?'. "Enough! Just stay away from the Troupe!". 'You're the chain user who killed one of their members, right? They're looking everywhere for you. If you won't treat us as friends or equals, we'll do whatever we must to help!'. 'Kurapika... One of their members cried in front of us. He said he could never forgive the person who killed his friend. I got really mad after seeing that. I couldn't let that go. We want to stop them! Please, Kurapika...'. "I'll call you back". Then I ended the call.

  "You okay?" Y/N asked me with a concerned expression. "I'm fine. They wanted to help stop the Troupe." I said. "Ah, I see now." She said.

  Their words kept ringing in my head. 'If you won't treat us as friends or equals... We want to stop them!' I kept hearing their voices. It made rage build up inside of me. Then there was an explosion. Y/N and I went outside.        "I-it's no use! They're too strong!" A man said. "Shal." Y/N muttered under her breath. "You mean the one who can control people?" I asked. She nodded. "I see." I said. "We don't stand a chance... How strong are they?! This strong!" The man screamed and started shooting. Y/N was right, there is no doubt this guy is under someone else's control. His shots killed multiple people, but me and Y/N got knocked into a window and went inside the building. "Oww!" Y/N winced and I looked over and my eyes widened. She got shot in the arm at least twice. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "I'm okay. I promise." She said.

  "Are you two okay? We found the corpse of one of the assassins. A Troupe member has already infiltrated the building." A man said and Y/N started cursing under her breath.


  A/N- Hey my lovelies. Now, I've wrote this chapter about 4 days before I published it. Now, you're probably wondering, why? I have so many things to do the day that this will be coming out. I hope you guys enjoyed and please comment, be honest, tell me if you didn't like the way I wrote something and tell me what I can do to fix it. Love you lovelies. Byee💙💙


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