Chapter 5

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Kurapika's P.O.V.

  Y/N came running through the doors. "Where is Neon? Is she okay? Is she hurt?" She said a little panicked. "As I told you before, Neon is fine. She wasn't there with the bodyguards." I said. "Okay so what happened?" She said. "Well they had gone to buy stuff from the auction for Neon, but we now know that the items for the auction were stolen and everyone there was killed and their bodies seemed to have disappeared." I explained. She put her head down. She seemed to be thinking about something.

  "Please don't be who I think has done this." She mumbled, I'm not sure if she meant for me to hear it. "Who do you think it is?" I asked. "The people I hate most in this world. The Phantom Troupe." She said. "Do you really think it could be them?" I asked. "I mean, it's not for certain, but it's definitely a possibility." She said. "Well I guess you're right. It's a possibility they have done everything wrong in the world." I said. "I remember when I was smaller, after they killed my family, I thought they were the cause of every robbery that ever happened and every crime ever committed." She said. "Of course I know now that isn't true." She concluded.


Your P.O.V.

  We were watching the Mafia trying to beat someone, I could tell this person was extremely strong. His Nen was like something I've never seen before. That's when he completely blocked shots from multiple guns and killed everyone. That's when a thing came up out of the ground and said his name was worm, then three more people came up and said their names were rabid dog, leach, and porcupine. They went to fight the person and he defeated worm, leaving a huge crater where he had punched the ground.

  When he stood up, that's when I saw it, that's when everything in the world stopped, and I stood their with a terrified expression. My vision turned violet, I had rage building up inside of me. "Spider" I whispered. "I'm going to kill them, every last one of them!" I said. I could tell Kurapika had seen it too. His eyes were scarlet, rage had filled his eyes. I could see it. He had walked up a little bit and insisted that he could capture him. They caught his arm and Melody played a soothing piece of music on her flute. It calmed both me and Kurapika down. No matter how much I tried and how much I calmed down, my eyes wouldn't go back to normal. I guess I was too shocked when I saw that tattoo, my eyes won't change back to normal.

  By now, all of the shadow beasts that were here had been killed by that horrid person, who I need to kill. "I can capture him using chain jail." Kurapika said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes." He said.

  We had now captured the Troupe member, whose name was Uvogin. We had locked him in a room on a table and paralyzed him. "My family is dead because of you." I said. "My friends, my family, my home are all gone because of you!" I screamed and punched him in the face. "How can you kill innocent people without feeling anything?" I asked. "I do not feel anything for the people I kill, the reason for that a do not know, but I live for the idiotic people like you who want revenge." He said. My eyes turned violet. "What pretty eyes you have. I remember your people. They didn't put up much of a fight. I'm not sure how we missed you though." He said. "I watched from the trees." I said with no emotion.

  Kurapika had left to go meet up with someone, Hisoka, I presume is who it was. I heard a loud noise from where Uvogin was. "Oh no." I whispered. I walked down there quietly, to see yet another person that they've killed this time, it was the head bodyguard. "Uvogin!" I screamed. I didn't mean to. I just couldn't hold back my screams, not this time. He turned around. "Oh, it's just you." He said. "This one has potential. She sure can throw a punch for a girl. I think we should take her back to the base." He said. "No thanks." I said. "Come on, just grab her." I conjured my ice blades. "Oh look, she's a conjurer." Uvogin said. My eyes turned violet. I had put away my Nen blades, now creating ice shards. I had been working on transmuter techniques, since when my eyes are violet, I'm a specialist. This made all of their eyes widen. "But she was just using conjurer techniques and is now using transmuter techniques at such s high level." Uvogin said. "I am a conjurer, but also a specialist." I said. "Are these the other spiders?" I said pointing to the people with him. "Yeah, what of it?" He said. "These are the people who killed my family. The people who killed my friends family. Our friends and family are dead, because of you awful people". I said throwing the ice shards at them. "Come with us or we will kill your precious friend. The blond one." Uvogin said and my eyes widened. "Fine. Don't lay a finger on him." I whispered with my head down, only loud enough for Uvogin to hear.

  He grabbed my wrist and I was now walking with them back to what I assumed was their base. It was a broken down old building. I can see why they picked it, nobody would suspect somebody to be here. When I walked in I saw a very familiar face, Hisoka. That means Kurapika is probably back at the Nostrade house now. I glared at him. "Hisoka!" I screamed. "Oh, well look at that, it's little Y/N." He said. "Spider. I should've known. You were always being weird and creepy, killing for fun." I said. "You know him." A man said. "Yeah I do. We met at the Hunter Exams. He nearly killed my friend." I said to him. "Can I get names from all of you?" I asked. They all introduced themselves. I sat in a corner and cried. I usually don't cry, and I didn't want to cry in front of these people especially, but I couldn't help it. I missed Kurapika and I feel that I've let him down.

  "Will you stop crying already?" Nobunaga said. "No, I won't." I said. "Please, I want quiet." He said. "Then let me go home." I said. "I can't do that." He said. "Then deal with the crying." I said. "Argh" he growled. My phone started to ring. "Can I answer it?" I asked. "Will you stop crying?" Nobunaga asked. "Probably." I stated. "Then answer it." He said.

  "Hello". 'Y/N, where are you?' It was Kurapika. "I can't say". 'Of course you can say. I need to know'. "I'm with the Phantom Troupe". 'What! Why?'. "Uvogin escaped and they took me with them. I did it so they wouldn't kill you. So don't think I went and joined then". 'I'm coming to get you'. "You don't know where you're going". 'Then tell me'. "No! What do you not understand about this! You can't come and get me they'll kill you!". 'Okay then I'll get Gon and Killua involved then'. "Don't bring them into this. I'll be okay. Don't doubt me". 'Okay, I trust you. Be careful. I love you'. "I love you, too. Bye"

  "Who was that? It was your loved one?" Nobunaga asked. I nodded. "We should have threatened him instead of your friend, things might have gone faster." Nobunaga said. "You did threaten him." I said. "Oh, I thought when Uvogin said the blond one, he was referring to a girl." He said. "No, he threatened my loved one. The only thing I love that I have left. I don't think Uvogin knew he was my loved one, though. He knew that I cared deeply for my friends though. You could've threatened anyone in that place and I still would've gone. He just happened to have picked the one I loved most." I said. "Okay. At least you stopped crying." He said. "I guess so." I said. 'Kurapika, I need your help. Kill them all, even if you have to leave me behind.' I thought.


  A/N- Hey guys. I thought you deserved a decently long chapter because I've reached 100 readers on this story. You guys mean so much to me. I love you all. Byee💙💙


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