Chapter 10(Last chapter)

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  A/N- Now this is the end of this series and do not get me wrong. I love writing for you lovelies, but I'm running out of ideas, but I will most likely continue my other story and will most likely write some more stories.

Your P.O.V.

  Kurapika and I had recently met back up with Gon, Leorio, and Killua. It was very nice to see them again even though I had met with them once we got to YorkNew. Long-Story, short Gon and Killua have been caught, again, by the Phantom Troupe. Kurapika is completely blaming himself for it, I wish he wasn't though.

  He has come up with this absolutely significant plan to get them back though. Leorio is where Gon, Killua, and The Spiders are and is dropping hints to Gon and Killua that the power will go out at exactly 7:00 p.m. Kurapika was disguised as a female desk clerk. And I'm just waiting where Kurapika will come after he hopefully catches Chrollo. After that we will target Pokunoda, and hopefully she will bring Gon and Killua to us in exchange of Chrollo. 'I really hope this works' I though to myself.


  A little while later Kurapika came to where I was with Chrollo. Looks like so far the plan was going smoothly. "Hello Y/N. It's nice to see you again." Chrollo said. "Do not speak." Kurapika said. I could tell Kurapika was either mad or worried, possibly both. "Don't get so mad." I said to him. "Hmm" He hummed in response.


  Pokunoda had brought Killua and Gon back and Kurapika put a rule on Chrollo and Pokunoda both. For Chrollo, he cannot talk to any member of The Phantom Troupe and cannot use his Nen. As for Pokunoda, she cannot speak to anyone about what she knows about Kurapika or else she will die. Now, everyone was in the same place for the first time in a long time, but Kurapika had a fever and Killua and Gon were going to leave to go to the auction to try and get Greed Island soon. I wish that we could all stay together longer, we've all developed a great friendship with each other. But me and Kurapika have to get back to work soon, Gon and Killua will look for Gon's dad, and Leorio will become a doctor, probably the best one ever. I'm going to miss everyone a lot.

  Kurapika has been asleep for about 2 days. Leorio, Melody, and I were sitting at his bedside. He slowly opened his eyes. "What time is it?" He asked. "2:00" Melody said. "I slept for half the day?" He said more as a question than a statement. He doesn't even realize he's been asleep for 2 days. "What about Neon?" He asked. "She's fine. The auction will be online and Neon said she is fine with that." Melody said. "That can't be true. She wouldn't have just given it up like that." He said. She sighed. "Squala was killed and Neon was surprised by Eliza's reaction to it and said she wanted to go home." Melody said. "He's asleep." Leorio said.

  "Where is Gon and Killua?" I asked Leorio. "They are in the next room." He said. I got up and walked to the next room and knocked on the door. It opened. "What do you want?" Killua said in his usual 'Go away I don't want to talk at all' voice. "I would like to talk to you two before you leave for the auction." I said. "Okay then." Gon said. "I just want to say goodbye. Knowing Kurapika, he will most likely leave without saying goodbye to you. I just wanted to say bye in case I don't see you before you get back from the auction." I said. "Oh well, to be honest with you, I hope Kurapika's fever doesn't break." Gon said. "Yeah- Wait what?" Killua said. "That's a bit harsh, don't you think?" I said giggling. "Well, I just don't want him to kill anymore." Gon said. "I don't either Gon and he probably won't, at least not for a long time. We will be going back to work very soon." I said. "I'm going to miss you both, a lot." I said. "We're going to see each other again. That's for certain." Gon said. "Never change, Gon. I wish you the best of luck in finding your dad. Killua, I hope the best to you as well." I said and smiled. "I hope you both find a way to get into Greed Island." I concluded. "Have a nice life." Killua said. "Thanks." I said and smiled. This time it was a smile of true happiness.

  Kurapika's fever had broken and we were at the airport. Of course Kurapika does not want to say goodbye to Gon and Killua. I'm glad I said my goodbyes when I did. Leorio was here to see us off though, so I guess that's good. "Bye Leorio!" I said and hugged him. "Bye Y/N. Bye Kurapika." He said. Kurapika just waved.

  We were now on an aircraft back to the Nostrade household. I'm really going to miss Leorio, Gon, and Killua. A tear ran down my cheek. "Why are you crying?" Kurapika asked. "Oh, I'm just missing Gon and Killua and even Leorio." I said and laughed through tears. "Well don't be sad, we'll see them again for sure." He said. I wiped away my tears and hugged him. "Thank you." I whispered in his ear. "For what?" He said. "For everything." I said quietly. "I love you." I said. "I love you, too." He said and I kissed him. He seemed surprised at first, but slowly melted into the kiss. I knew that somehow in this cruel world, we would find a way to be happy.


  A/N- Hey my lovelies, this is the end of this story. I'm going to be honest, I'm a little sad. I hope you lovelies liked this story and thank you so much for your support. Okay, so to go into further detail for the other author's note, I'm not the best at coming up with ideas and also school is starting and I don't want to have too much on my plate. Love you lovelies. Byee💙💙


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