Chapter 11

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I woke up to a bright light and voices around me. I turned to my left and saw my mom and stepfather. I turned to my right and saw an IV along with a doctor and nurse then slowly began to sit up. Everyone crowded around me.

"Dauvinee are you OK??"

For the 1st time in a while my mom actually looked worried about me.

"Where's RJ? Where's Robert?"

They all looked at each other then at me.

"Please..Where's my son?"

"..He got hit by a bullet-"

I tried to get out the bed, but everybody kept pushing me back down.

"Ms. Damati you have to calm down."

"No where the fuck is my son?!"

"He's in the children's hospital. A bullet grazed his skull, but when you got on him to cover him 2 bullets hit you."

"How is he?"

"He'll be fine. We want to keep him for a night or 2 just because he's only 2 and we want to make sure NOTHING is wrong."

"How's my boyfriend?"

The doctor looked down.

"Robert is in a coma. He was shot twice in the chest, a bullet pierced his lungs, and 3 hit his shoulder. We were able to remove all 5 bullets, but he slipped into a coma."

"How..How long?"

"You've been asleep for a day now. There's no telling when..or..if..he'll wake up."

I busted out in tears and my mama held me.

"Who's with him?"

"Jamal, Mickie, and 2 other guys."

"My son?"

"Meek's mom and his sister."

My mom said rubbing my shoulders.

"He'll be OK sweet pea. He'll be OK."

Those were the last words I heard as the meds took over and I fell asleep.

( 2 and a half months later)

Today Robert was released from the hospital. He was in a coma for a week and a half. RJ went home with Robert's mom 2 days after I woke up, but they came to see me EVERYDAY. I went home after 2 weeks and I'm now out of my cast and my side is better. I was hit in the shoulder and the side of my stomach. I wheeled him out to a Hummer where Jamal, Julio, Nina, and a guy named Monster were. We would be staying at Roberts mom's house until he got better because I can't take care of him and RJ on my own. They helped us in the car then drove off to her house. When we arrived we went up to his room just relaxing since RJ was at daycare.

"How you feeling?"

He asked.

"The real question is how are you? You're the one with more damage."

"My family is alive so I'm good."

"..Was it Drizzy?.."

"I'm pretty sure. It was too much of a 'coinsidence' that after everything that happened my family gets attacked with bullets."

"Since you're alive do you think that he'll come again?"

He could hear the worry in my voice and pulled me close to him even though I know it hurt for him to do.

"The fact that I'm alive means he didn't reach his goal. I know him. He's going to go into hiding and try to keep tabs on me. I'm going to handle this."

"Baby you've already-"

"We're off of that subject. I heard that you been calling me ya boyfriend when you ask about me."

I blushed and turned my face.

"I was just worried about you."

I mumbled and he let out a chuckle.

"It's aiight. I referred to you as my wife when I asked about you."

I smiled and pecked his lips then fell asleep on the good side of his chest.

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