Chapter 16

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By time I woke up it was time to cook dinner so I wobbled downstairs and went into the kitchen. Robert and Robert Jr was eating cheesecake.

"Uh baby shouldn't he-"

"Already ate. I ordered out cause I knew how tired you were. I know you've been craving Chinese for this pregnancy so that's what I ordered. Yours is in the microwave."

"Oh OK. What time is it?"

He looked at his phone.

"8:01 which means it's time for you to take a shower and get ready for bed."

"Yes sir."

He finished up his dessert then Rob took him upstairs to take his bath. I heated up all of my food and got a drink then sat down at the table. When I was half way done they came downstairs and RJ was dressed in his Spiderman pajamas. He came over and gave me a hug and kiss then kissed my tummy.

"Goodnight mommy. Good little brother and little sister."

"Goodnight sweetie. I love you."

"I love you too."

Rob rubbed the top of his head.

"Go ahead on up to bed. Your mommy and I will be up in a few to tuck you in and say your prayers."

"OK daddy."

He left the kitchen and up the stairs he went. Rob sat down next to me while I continued to eat.

"How you feeling baby?"

"Good. How you feeling?"

"Great. I got my family back with me. In our own home. Life is really looking great."

"What did you do to-"

He shook his head no.

"Let that situation go. Just know it's handled and ya are 100% safe."


I finished my food and threw out the containers then we made our way upstairs to RJ's room. We all got on our knees and prayed then after they helped me back up we tucked him in and left the room. Rob helped me into the tub once we got to our room for a nice bath then he lowered himself into the tub behind me. It was big as hell so we were very comfortable.

"Did you miss me?"

He asked as he began giving me a massage. I closed my eyes and moaned a bit. I've missed his touch s o o o o o o o o o much.

"Yeah baby. More than you know."

"I had so much trouble sleeping without ya."

"I know how you feel. I had a hard time falling asleep without your arms around me."

"I heard ma had to make you some tea and stay with you until you fell asleep."

"Yeah she did. When I woke up in the middle of the night I had to go sleep in RJ's room."

"You missed me that bad?"

"Yes bae. I've missed you so much. I never want to feel that way again. I don't want to have to worry about having your arms around me or hearing you say 'I love you'. Please don't leave us again."

"I promise you I'm not going anywhere baby."

He kissed my neck and continued to massage me then we made love in the tub. I kind of felt like we were being watched, but he said we're 100% safe. Plus this is a gated community. Besides we're upstairs so maybe I'm just being paranoid. I let out a loud moan as I came back to reality.

*U N K N O W N - P O V*

I felt anger rush through me as I watched the love of my life in the tub with someone else. I bit my lip so hard that I drew blood. I couldn't fuck this plan up. I called my partner.

"I see them. Coupled up and all that sappy shit."

"What?! That should be ME!!"

"I get how you're feeling. Fuck it we'll get them. Let them enjoy that fake ass love while they can. They don't know what's coming."

We laughed then hung up. I watched them have sex and felt myself getting horny. I quickly climbed out the tree and rushed down to my car. In there I pleased myself as I looked at the video I taped of them having sex. Meek Mill and Dauvinee have NO clue what's coming for them!!

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