V: Enchanted

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"Nothing!" Rokuro shouts back at Ryougo. I have calmed down now and my sobbing completely stopped but I feel too lazy to go change my top so I lay back on the couch instead.

"Are you okay Benio-sama?" Kinoko asks jumping on my shoulder. "Benio-sama!"

"Quiet." I am too serious that he jumped to Rokuro's shoulder feeling scared. I let out a sigh not understanding my own emotions. Everybody sat on their desired places in the leaving room quietly, not daring to make even the littlest sound. "How long are we supposed to wait?" I asked. As if on cue, "I'm heeeere!" Arima-sama says in a sing songy voice adding to my irritation. "I brought you something!" Revealing a gift from his back, he presented us a pack of premium ohagi. I am so happy I decide I will eat it all and not let anyone take even one. He set it down in the coffee table as Kinu serves tea for everyone. She quickly opens the box and the scent of freshly made high quality ohagi filled the room and something really weird happened.

Usually I get lost in that wonderful mouthwatering scent but now the odor made my stomach heave sending me running to the nearest bathroom to puke. I heard footsteps behind me, probably Rokuro's. The vomit left a bad taste in my mouth upsetting me more than the fact that the mere sight of ohagi makes me cringe.

I felt a hand rubbing my back. "You're sick Benio, take a rest." Rokuro was there too comfort me despite his confusion.

"I need to talk to Benio alone." Kinu says kicking Rokuro out of the bathroom. I sat on the covered toilet as I wait for Kinu's scolding about how I don't take care of myself enough.

"Did you and Rokuro... do something?" she says, carefully choosing her words.

"Huh? Did what?" I ask truly confused that she's not lecturing me about being proper.

"Did you sleep with the boy?" she says bluntly. I couldn't answer her, couldn't even look her in the eyes. I bowed my head and said "Sorry." A loud thud outside the door startled us. The door flew open as Arima-sama barges in looking as happy as a kid left in a candy store.

"Congratulations Adashino-san!" he says holding my hand.

"For what?" I asked curiously.

"The Miko is on its way!" he started dancing around hooting same as the other guys except Rokuro. He's as dumbfounded as I am. "You're pregnant Adashino-san! Yipee!" Our eyes met and I see the surprise in his eyes mirroring mine. My hand instinctively flew to my stomach trying to feel the occupant but I guess it's too early.

"Pregnant?" We both say in unison, unbelieving.

"How on earth?" Rokuro says scratching his head. Atsushi nudged him with an elbow with that troublesome look in his face.

"You should've told us Roku, how was it huh?" he teased making both of us blush. Ryougo hit his head to make him stop, looking concerned for the both of us.

"Isn't this too sudden?" Ryougo asks Arima.

"Why do you think Adashino lost her enchantments all of a sudden?" Arima asks, seriously smug now that he knows something we don't.

"Because the fight with the Baasara and the divine spirits left me with no enchanted energy." I answered simply, a fact that still upsets me to my core.

"That's true, but that's not just it. You know that if you lose that from just fighting, it will come back when you recover, but yours never did." He pointed a finger at me. What exactly is he getting at? "Tell me Adashino Benio, what is the Miko intended to do?"

My hand clutched the thin cloth over my stomach. "The miko will end the war, she will exorcise all impurities." I say like a memorized line in a piece from a play.

"If the miko is that strong, do you think you will be able to handle carrying the child filled with such powers if you already had your own? You know what will happen, you'll drown with too much enchanted energy you'll turn into a pure spirit yourself." He fixed his glasses and stepped towards me. "It all happens according to plan Adashino-san. You will both be safe." He says smiling warmly as he put his arms on my back and under my legs to carry me out.

"Oy! Underwear pervert man, what do you think you're doing with Benio?!" Rokuro shouts, he always shouts.

Arima-sama continued walking me out until we reach the living room again laying me gently on the couch. "She'll have to be extra careful you know Rokuro, pregnant women are sensitive and weak." My nerves are all fired up when he said that, this guy sure pisses me off.

"I am pregnant, not disabled." I say swatting his hands away. He only laughed clearly entertained by the situation.

"You see men, hormones. You better be prepared Rokuro." His voice that irritating sing songy tone, suddenly I felt exhausted dealing with this guy.

"You start the meeting, I'll rest here." I say as they all gather around taking their seats. Rokuro was beside me and I decided to use him as my pillow.

He felt so warm and alive, I think this is how one family feels like.

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